[Government Press Release] Just a Mutual Land Swap

Day 855, 17:47 Published in Pakistan Pakistan by Rider of Darkness

My Dear Pakistani Brothers,

Who did the Land Swap
Recent Articles by Mr. Fruitcommando has been blaming land swap on Pro Pakistani, Me (even though I am not President) and Pak_Land. Let me make this Clear to everyone. The Land Swap of both NWFP and Balochistan happened after AgentChieftain's approval in a meeting in which I was also Present along with Kotekzot. AgentChieftain himself agreed that it should be done and that is when we talked with serbia to do it. Both AV and PP Jointly did it for saving Pakistan from PTO

How Professional ?
Statements like "Curse you Serbia" coming from a Presidential Candidate tell you the mental capabilities of that individual. He clearly lack any diplomatic skill on how to come forward in the media and shows that a medal is more important to him then the position of congress member itself. What a shame ! Also Presidential Position is not a reactive position it is a responsible and very important position. Serbia is our friend and will always be. Besides we don't need Fruitcommando's puppet as the president anyway.

Explanation For Normal Citizens
Pakistan is under Political Take Over Treat. Which means foreign pigs who do not belong here break eRepublik laws and create multis in-order to take away the government from people of Pakistan and steal our Treasury. That is the reason why we allowed Serbia take our land. I would recommend if you are not aware of what Political Take Over (PTO) is use eRepublik wiki to find out more or ask me in PM.

Vote Wisely
Most Importantly you must only vote for Pro Pakistani Candidate or a AV Candidate or (Musluman, zdurukan) from JI Party depending on which party you support. For more instructions on who to Vote Contact me or Pak_Land via PM before voting that would be the best approach to go about it. If you are a AV Supporter I recommend contacting AgentChieftain, BGBW or Altnabla .
