[GoG] Introducing Gaurds of Green

Day 1,910, 06:34 Published in Pakistan Pakistan by TheJakal

My Fellow Pakistani's

Gaurds of Green was incorporated to cater to the higher end fighting force of ePakistan, however we are now in a position to open up to all fighters across all divisions but on a selective basis.

Each solider will be provided Q7 food and weapons on completing daily orders and requirements to be in this Military requires regular and consistent online activity.

It's a requirement to have a registered IRC nick and be registered on the forums, if you are not on both these mediums don't apply till you are.

You might also be required to work in the military communes.

If you have any questions you can leave comments here or apply directly on the forums http://www.epakistan.org/forums under Militry Administration.

Kind Regards
