[GHI] Week One!

Day 1,018, 15:21 Published in USA Canada by Haliman

Alright guys, with week one complete, here are the numbers.

Currently, we have 5725 grain stored in the company. That's $172.56.

I made two withdrawals this week. First was $125.82, and the second was $118.39. Thats a $244.21 profit. That's about $34.89 a day, with the total being about .63 gold a day.

Great showing, guys!

By those numbers, I will break even on my investment in two months.


ProggyPop has made a strong showing this week, working at 100/100 THREE times in 5 days. The other two have been extremely close to 100!

Other strong players are Master Duval, and Samuel Barber!

Good work guys, and let's keep it up!
