[GHI] Introduction to Grandpa Hal Industries!

Day 1,010, 19:33 Published in USA Canada by Haliman

First off...

21:10 Haliman: I'll release my letter today
21:10 MSG_HobbitTon: good
21:11 MSG_HobbitTon: mention me in it


\o\ /o/ \o\ /o/


We have made a business deal with a food company! - If you need fod that is +3 HEALTH, I recommend buying from here! He's helping us out by buying grain, we should help him!

I want to lay out a uniform week.

Every Thursday: I will release a [GHI] newsletter with any announcements, Employee of the Week, and profits.

Every Friday: I will reevaluate salaries.

I usually list new grain when I get home, at about 4:30 - 6:00 PM Central Time Zone.

I do have a few criteria for getting fired. Don't think that makes me a mean guy, though. I'm very lenient, and will try to the best of my ability to help fix any problems 🙂

--Missing 3 days of work in a row. Exceptions include the weekend, and if I was notified ahead of time.

--Low Happiness/Health. I will PM my workers with low wellness only if they commented on last week's newsletter. I want to keep a tight knit group of workers 😁

--If you level up, please do not leave the company! I WILL update your salary on friday, OR if you pm ME SAYING YOU HAVE LEVELED UP. i'M A NICE GUY, i DON'T BITE 🙂


This week's Employee of the Month is Samuel Barber. In terms of wellness, happiness, health, etc, he is one of the most productive in the company! He has also never missed a day so far!

Other employees that deserve recognition are Jargut and Kallinusha!

I invested every dollar I head in this company. It has been four days now, and It's time to check the investment...

I started off with $200 in the company coffers, and currently, in both money and grain, we have about $346!

That's almost a three gold profit in four days! Great work!

Great first week guys.
