[eBe] Second Weekly Congress Report 1.0

Day 1,562, 13:16 Published in Belgium Belgium by eBelgian Foreign Affairs

[eBe] Second Weekly Congress Report 1.0

Congress is now keeping you up to date for a whooping two weeks in a row.
All debates can still be found here and are accessible to anyone with a citizen mask. Your participation is encouraged.

Congress Chairman

Last week we talked about the request forum administration made to appoint a Chairman of Congress. Surprise surprise: in their eternal wisdom they chose the talented mister Clay (oh wait that’s me). So for another month I’ll keep you all up to date on Congress activity.

New Congress

A new Congress was elected on the 25th. Res Belgica dominated getting a massive 46% of the Congress men. Cotarius en Turbopunk both got the most votes with 8.

List of non-trusted congress members?

Over the last months eBelgium has seen several CMs who proposed Natural Enemies without any debate or discussion. Every time this happens our CP and MoFA have to convince these countries Belgium doesn’t want to attack them. To prevent this some in Congress argue a list needs to be made that contains the people who proposed rogue NE’s or did other things to harm eBelgium+

To tax or not to tax

In order to finance some of the plans Congress realized a plan was made to tweak some of the taxes. Unfortunately there was some confusion when Djony proposed the changes in-game and the proposal didn’t pass. Now debate is back open in congress and the result will be known in the upcoming days.

Shout-out of the week: SX80 for pointing out a mistake in one of the links down here.
If you have any question on Congress work or if you want to be a Congress Member leave your comments below.
The Congress Chairman Formerly known as the Official Congress Slave
Jonathan Clay