[eBe] First Weekly Congress Report

Day 1,212, 00:15 Published in Belgium Belgium by eBelgian Foreign Affairs

[eBe] First Weekly Congress Report

In an effort to keep our citizens better informed about what Congress is doing, we are instituting this weekly newsletter. Please subscribe and let us know by your comments here and your presence on the forum what you think about these issues. Since this is the first of these, let's start with a brief recap of all debates held on the public part of the forum and also all votes held on the forum since the presidential elections.

All debates may be found here and are accessible to anyone with a citizen mask. Your participation is encouraged.

There is ongoing debate about the revision and updating of our national constitution. This was instituted several months ago and has continued piece by piece, hoping for a final vote of the document as a whole. A proposal has been made by Chris Stanwick this month for an abbreviated and simplified constitution to be supplemented as needed by laws. This is an important distinction, as constitutional amendments or revisions require a 2/3 affirmative vote of all present members of Congress, while laws require only a simple majority.

There have been several discussions about the composition of the current government, most of which have been dropped as they were deemed to have no constitutional basis. It has been pointed out that the appointment of the Cabinet in eBelgium is the sole right and responsibility of the Country President.

ThomasRed has proposed two positions for Congress, a congressional representative for Foreign Affairs, which has been deferred because of the small Congress this term and because 2 members of Congress are already serving as the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and Congress speaker, who has the responsibility to communicate with the citizens about what Congress is doing. MaryamQ has accepted this position for the present term.

A Natural Enemy with eNL was proposed for training war purposes. After one false start, this was negotiated with the government of eNL and has been debated and voted.

Jofroi has made some suggestions regarding our economic situation, with proposals for more uniformity in our tax code and a revision of our military budget.

The issue of a new MPP has been brought up, but is deferred until after our Natural Enemy training war.

In-forum votes have been held on the following issues:

Congress speaker - MaryamQ accepted
A ministerial appointment law - locked because it was declared unconstitutional
The proposed training war with eNL - already accepted and active in-game, but still being affirmed on the forum
A law regarding the residence of the Country President - still ongoing

As you can see, although our Congress is small, it is busy. Your opinions are requested on these and any other issues that may be of interest to you.
I apologize for not making this more interesting to look at, but was anxious to keep my promise to ThomasRed to get this first issue published as soon as possible.

Until next week,