[DW-Games]Say Friend Name - Total prize 15000 cc

Day 3,402, 10:18 Published in Norway Norway by Eraclev

Greeting ladies and gentlemen people of eWorld and Specially eNorway, this is my 10th edition of my program to make an activity in eNorway Media, today i will give you a Little games called a Call Friend Name, this game is modification of the previous mini game

Every one can join this game including non Norway this game is a game from Indonesian traditional game with some revision called Panggil nama teman. Panggil nama teman is an Indonesian word game in which the players are required to say a friend name.

Example :
I say Puji Raymond Ortiz you can say his name too or you can say other name of your friend like "Colin Lantrip 3", but of course you cant call your own name.

Name must be in eRepublik name (ID)

The rules are simple.
1. All people can join this mini game including non Norway citizen.
2. One Name per comment.
3. You can comment same name that already used
4. Every words should be use panggil nama teman rules that i mentioned above.
5. Everyone can cooperate to get more prize
6. You can only comment one time without commented twice next to next.
7. No two consecutive comments.
8. You can comments many times without limitation but no two consecutive comments
9. Any comment which does not follow these rules will be ignored.

Mini game ends on 00:00 eRep time Day 3404 eRep day change. (Any comments after that will be ignored) the winner is the person that comment the last.

The winner will get 5000 NOK
People that commented more than the other will get 2500 NOK
People who call in the end of game (Last comment before Day Change on 00:00 eRepublik time day 3404) will get 7500 NOK


Ordinary Citizen of eNorway