[DPP] Official Press Release

Day 1,977, 08:25 Published in Pakistan Pakistan by TheJakal

Dear Members of the Pakistani Community,

The recent events orchestrated by abuzar have probably left many of you shaken and disappointed that ePakistan hasn't changed. So today I will teach you how the political aspect of this game works as many of you, specially those of you who hate me and/or the Democratic Party of Pakistan don't get it.

In this game, there are several parties, the top 5 parties are those with real influence and can elect congress members. All the parties however can propose a Presidential candidate and it is their right to do so. Presidential candidates than require votes so an endorsement by a political party might put them in the run for Presidency it won't gaurantee a win.

Historically ePakistan has been controlled by first the dioists, than Pakistan Revolutionary Front and at present Democratic Party of ePakistan. Dioists used their eReligion to maintain control, PRF deployed the senior/junior mentality and created the Council of Elders, Senate, Constitution and IRC to maintain control and Democratic Party of Pakistan used its numbers and vast wealth to maintain control.

There is no doubt that high ranking members of the DPP have access to almost all information about ePakistan whether they are in the government or not and it is a fact that since the exit of Mohammad Bilal as the last PRF candidate, the Democratic Party of Pakistan has has successive CP candidates and majority in congress. However the most important thing to note is that we did not place any new institutions or control mechanisms. We established the first free unbiased IRC channel, we've established the first free unbiased pakistan forums and we regularly informed citizens on the latest events. Did we citizens in all decisions? No, we discussed amongst ourselves and made the decision that made the most sense and was right for ePakistan. For the last few months we have worked on the urdu translation for this game and we will attempt at another baby boom to try and attract new players because we understand that in order to keep the key positions we require numbers.

We have a long standing agreement with raao, which simply states that we will endorse him or his selected candidate at his time of chosing. However to this date, raoo has never made any such request. Recently however the Party Presidency changed hands and we welcome such changes. Yes you could say it was our oversight to not include faris in upcoming Presidential discussions but quite frankly Party Presidents of other political parties have generally been dormant, dishcmds of VA, faris of PRF, abuzar of NPP, Rafay Ahmed of The Equalist all generally haven't participated or shown up on IRC.

Now I welcome any attempts to unseat us from where we stand today as it will give our members the motivation they need again to rip our enemies apart as we did several months ago, where most of them went into self-imposed exile and I look forward to increased political activity but as long as we have numbers and as long as we are able to decide the outcome of Country Presidential elections than don't expect us to roll over and die just because a new candidate is being put up to fight us. We are open to suggestions, collaborations but at the end if we feel the candidate being proposed doesn't deserve it than we wont agree.

Every DPP member who has become CP has deserved it. Dio Eraclea who was a VA candidate deserved to be CP, his activity, organizational skills were an asset to Pakistan, Ishamael who increased our MPPs and hence our allies, St0l3n with his diplomatic approach ended the PTO threat, established our first relationship with China, Shin Gouki who is currently President has contributed heavily towards the media, wikipedia write ups and represented Pakistan internationally. The only person who didn't have a track record of any administration prior to becoming CP was me, but I waged a war against the Council of Elders and all those who tried to put a moral higher ground.

So today, there is no longer just one TheJakal there are over 20, all leaders in their own style but more importantly all hard workers who have helped the party grow, the country grow and have done the boring work like supplying people, who have written countless educational articles, who have contributed towards the translation and who have spent numerous hours creatnig plans to bring more people into this game.

This article is a warning to all aspiring CPs, if you are worth it, we will support you but if you want a medal than we will oppose you. Democratic Party of Pakistan doesn't have one owner, it has many owners and it isn't governed by me alone, decisions are taken by individuals to which the party stands behind it.

You become our friend and work with us to get to the position of Country President or you can sit on the opposing side and whine about how life is unfair in the hope of gaining the votes of those who hate us than rest assured if your method of gaining power is option two than Democratic Party of Pakistan will put up a fight.

I look forward to the All Parties Conference being organized by Ahsan Shahbaz and my question to PRF and NPP will be, how will you contribute towards ePakistan? What is the added value of having you sitting on the same table as us?

Yours Truly

President of the Democratic Party of Pakistan