[DPP] Introducing St0l3n & Alexander_Auctoritas

Day 1,806, 07:38 Published in Pakistan Pakistan by TheJakal

My fellow Pakistani's,

Never before in Pakistan has a running candidate proposed his team in advance nor introduced them to the country. I believe in team work and I believe in having a balanced team that can advise me on all important matters.

Countries are not built by one single person as it has been done in the past its built by a team or patriotic citizens who all have one common objectives which is the prosperity of ePakistan.

I have known St0l3n for many years and have had my share of differences with him. He is a sensible and smart person. One could say he is the opposite of me which is why I have picked him as my Vice Country President. I believe he will constantly provide me with counter-arguments to my plans which will help make them stronger.
St0l3n is the former Minister of Finance, Congressman and at present is the

Vice President of the Democratic Party of Pakistan.
He will also be playing the role of Minister of Finance till a more suitable candidate is found.


I start speaking to Alex, during Ishamael Naeblis's term where I spent a considerable time filling his ears with the horrible things Ishamael did. I also started discussing the future of Dioism in ePakistan, our position in the global world and the various actions we can take to improve ePakistan. I figured out very quickly that Alex's objectives are inline with the objectives of ePakistan which is to fire up the glorious holy empire.
Although we follow different religions, his patriotism towards ePakistan is second to none.
Alex recently became the Supreme Commander of the newly formed alliance CTRL and will be serving as Minister of Foreign Affairs in ePakistan. He brings with him a world of experience and a huge network that ePakistan can tap into. His former positions primarily in the eUSA are:
Congressman (x😎
VP, eUSA (x1)
USWP, Party President (x2)
2-term Secretary of State
President of the eUSA (x2)
2-term Secretary of Defense

So here are my first two cabinet members more will follow as elections near. If you have any questions or comments please feel to comment below.

President of the Democratic Party of Pakistan
Future CP