[DPP] Important Updates

Day 1,968, 01:21 Published in Pakistan Pakistan by TheJakal

Dear DPP Members,

After several months of work and a few hundred thousand rupees we are now being labeled as the old guys, elitists, etc.

We never denied anyone the right to run as Country President as we always worked with all parties. The recent events have shown that the forces of evil are back in action to destablize ePakistan once again.

Hence effective immediatly Democractic Party of Pakistan is on the defense and the best form of defense is a well though out attack.

We have been footing the bills after the gold theft, from MPPs to the national food programs. We have successfully changed ePakistan's foreign policy and have brought stability to the region. Above all I have personally kept raao who was the President of PRF informed of all progress and national decisions we took but it was suprising to hear from faris that he didn't know about anything. Surprising and disappointing.

Hence effectively this is our last month of co-operation and we hope the new guys can deliver on the large promises they have made. Supplying the babies, covering the cost for MPPs and so on.

As a final gesture, Democratic Party of Pakistan has filled the requirements for an airstrike, it is now up to the CP to decide whether we have a suitable target for an airstrike.

DPP's official military unit will be Gaurds of Green where only DPP members will be allowed to serve.

Folks, those of you who know me have understood my style of goverenance. I am chilled out till the point accusations start flying. So those of you who are interested in being part of a political party that has promoted new players than join DPP, those of you who ware interested in stability join DPP and those of you who want to hang with the most powerful players in ePakistan join DPP. Why would you settle for 2nd best is beyond me.

Send me a message if you have any further questions.

Kind Regards
