[DPP] Democratic Party of Pakistan for Government

Day 1,804, 15:40 Published in Pakistan Pakistan by TheJakal

My Fellow Pakistani's,

If one was to give a grade to the performance of the present government the best one can give is a D-. We still have only two MPP's, a tough economy, no direction and no plan.
Basically my brothers and sisters, you are paying taxes and getting nothing in return.

The Democratic Party of Pakistan has been active and is constantly striving to improve game play.

Hence for the month of November we will be running for the Presidency. I previously wrote an article on descriptions of various roles so I will add part two this week.

Our agenda is simple and will increase as we get closer to election date:

1. Fix our current MPP state.
2. Organize regular RW or TW so that Pakistani's can work towards their True Patriot Medal.
3. Organize and introduce a proper structure to run internal affairs, Immigration, Finance, Congress and Forums will be the top priority.
4. Encourage users to invite more players into the game and give an incentive.

Typically, Presidents when they are elected announce their cabinet. Its a common to presume the CP runs the entire show. I believe the CP is just 10% of the government and the other roles are equally if not more important for the successful running of the country. So without further delay below is my cabinet.

Vice Country President and Minister of Finance: St0l3n
Minister of Foreign Affairs: Alexander_Auctoritas
Minister of Defence: Strywgr
Minister of Education: Kismat
Minister of Community: Muz1

Advisor to CP Raao (CoAS) and Sardar Fahad Qayyum Khan (HoC)

Since there is sufficient time, I will introduce each cabinet member individually and of course if you have any questions or comments, you can make them here in the comment section, pvt message me or any of the above mentioned people.

So this November, demand change and expect change. Vote for the Democratic Party of Pakistan.

Kind Regards

President of Democratic Party of Pakistan
Future CP