[DPP] Country President Elections - Only Nations win in this game

Day 1,811, 16:45 Published in Pakistan Pakistan by TheJakal


In just a few hours; voting for Country President will commence.

A lot of activity is planned for this month, with most of the focus on internal structures. It's important for Pakistan to rise, the base must be solidified.

I will repeat the agenda from a previous post:

It's simple and focuse😛

1. Fix our current MPP state.
2. Organize regular RW or TW so that Pakistani's can work towards their True Patriot Medal.
3. Organize and introduce a proper structure to run internal affairs, Immigration, Finance, Congress and Wesbite & Forums will be the top priority.
4. Encourage users to invite more players into the game and give an incentive.

So without further delay below is my cabinet.

Vice Country President and Minister of Finance: St0l3n
Minister of Foreign Affairs: Alexander_Auctoritas
Minister of Defence: Strywgr
Minister of Education: Kismat
Minister of Community: Muz1

Advisor to CP Raao (CoAS) and Sardar Fahad Qayyum Khan (HoC)

With our above agenda, we are adding one more important mission which is to attract new players into this game. We will be using a variety of mediums to get to that point, from advertising, to forums, to facebook to recommending to friends.

Extensive work has gone into developing the website http://www.epakistan.org and more will be done to give a first timer a better overview of ePakistan.

There are no winners and losers in this game, there are only powerful nations and weak nations. It is for you citizens to decide what nation you want ePakistan to be.

So vote for me in tomorrow elections and I will deliver on my promises.

Kind Regards

President of Democratic Party of Pakistan
Future Country President of Pakistan

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