[Dart-Comics] Character Bios & Contest Winners

Day 1,592, 14:18 Published in Canada Australia by Dartreal

Hello my children!

I was meant to do this last night but I completely forgot, so my apologises to those who kept refreshing my newspaper in anticipation.

Let's get down to some business!

Character Bios

The other day I, (not Henry the 8th), had an idea to start posting "Character Bios" of people from the comics. Since the comics are now shorter I thought, (not Henry the 8th), that people might want a little bit more to read - and what better than some background stories of characters in the comics?

By doing this I can show off the new style pics on a slightly bigger scale. The bios will be written and I'll add a few pics in the mix as well. I'll probably post a few of these a week since there are going to be a lot of characters popping up in the new series (old ones, and a lot of new ones).

The character bios will probably start being posted in a week from now since I'll need some time to work on them - but I doubt they'll take long to do.

So that means there will be two comics & one or two character bios a week.

And if Henry the 8th says anything - this is totally my idea and not his. Don't believe a word that dirty KnightHawk commander says.

Contest winners!

Thank you to everyone who entered the contest. All winners have been contacted and all of their roles have been revealed in future comics. Yes that's right - multiple winners.

Originally the winner was going to "appear frequently" in the comics but there were a good number of submissions that were too good to turn down. So people have been given certain roles in the comics and they'll be revealed at a later date.

Thank you for all of the feedback. Some of the complements that I received about my comics were pretty amazing. Reasons why people like my comics, in no particular order, include:

- Majester's stupidity (a very common answer)
- The Dear Father
- Miss Ruby's foul mouth
- The effort put into them to make them entertaining
- The balance of comedy & violence
- Interesting storylines with some nice twists
- The Brofessor
- Larni's boobs

People have also stated that my comics add more fun to eRepublik and they always look forward to seeing the next edition. Probably the biggest complement I got from a group of people was "If you comics weren't around I would have quit a long time ago."

Again a big thank you to everyone who entered and for all of your complements. It really means a lot to me and it definitely keeps me going. Feel free to help spread the word about my comics with shouts! 😃

Until my next comic, take care my children!

Lots of love,