[CT] Ponies of War- Today: omg_87 (eng)

Day 1,717, 02:41 Published in Germany Germany by omg_87

Welcome folks! This is the first and hopefully not last episode of "Ponies of war". This series will introduce you to the FSK Squad 2 (or "Skwad 2" in internal use), the so called Ponybrigade. We have all sorts of interesting people that I want to introduce to the public.

As a good squadleader allways does I will set a good example to follow ^.^


Hi there, I'm omg_87! I will do the interview with you.
Ohai omg_87, nice to meet you!

Tell me abit about the RL-Person behind this account.
I'm ~25 years old, living in southern hesse in a small village. Working at the district Office, doing the tech support and stuff.

So tell me a bit about you. When did you join eRepublik and where did you come from?
I joined on March 31th in 2009. By that time eGermany was in a Union with Austria, quite similar to the Germark-Union we have today. The only difference was that in the AGU there were much more english speaking citizens and german was nearly a minority language. I came from a Hearts of Iron Forum. So I'm usually a strategy gamer.

What was your first experiences with eRepublik? What made you stay untill today?
Well my first experience was kind of boring, I did my 2-3 clicks to help my Buddy from Forums and logged out again. The next thing I remember was that Sweden invaded and my Bundeswehr-Unit got dissolved. Since there was no "NeuföG" and no mentoring Program and my Inviter got banned for no reason I was kind of left on my own not knowing anything. So I can say my first impression was rather bad. I'd say first it was the potential of the game that made me stay, later the community.

What are your current goals in eRepublik?
Keeping Germark alive, making friends (friendship is magic!), and the main goal: Getting those tired guys out of their cellars and make a community-meeting...

Do you have political ambitions?
I wanna stay First Pony which is kind of a responsible Ministry because you have to spread the idea of Love and Harmony even if those people are idiots. I also signed up for Party-President of OMG because bernhardms wanted a break. I plan to sign up for the next congress maybe.

Why did you join the FSK?
Since the first days when my Bundeswehr-Unit got dissolved I was searching for a Military Unit. After a short Membership in the UK special forces and the Hungarian-Serbian-German Danube Division (those where allies in the good old times 😁) I looked for a german MU that stays loyal to Germany and is effective. Since there was only one Unit apart from the Bundeswehr it was kind of a simple choice. I did never regret this decission and the FSK stays something special for me.

So you're in the Ponybrigade. Are you a Brony? If so, do you admit it IRL or is it just an Internet thing.
Yes sir. 100% Brony. Wearing T-Shirts with Ponies, playing pony music in my car on the way to work, try to convert RL friends to ponydom.

What was the most memorable battles you fought in or most memorable situations in yor eRep life?
I think those where the Saarland-RW following the first swedish invasion after my birth, the scania-battle before the introduction of V2 (with the warmodule beeing locked and no possibility of reconquest for the swedes which made them rage hardstyle 😁) and the last Saxony-defesive battle on day 1616 which was good because it showed that one can defeat Poland even if it's very hard. Sad story was that we didn't get full scale US-Support back then- maybe because the US allready sold our land to Poles. I also remember the media wars with sweden which were quite funny.

Is there something else you wanna tell the world?
n0s3 < 3 !!!!!111einself