[CP] Inaugural

Day 1,964, 06:11 Published in Australia USA by irule777

I want to start this article off with a huge thank you to all the voters who helped elect me President of Australia yesterday. I’m so excited to get started and hit the ground running into the term as we work on so many of the issues I campaigned on.

I’d like to thank DraimAlexander for giving me a fantastic campaign opponent and for his service as President of our nation. I think he did a fantastic job and I’m flattered that the nation has elected me to continue. Draim will be serving as my Minister of Foreign Affairs so you can still expect to see his face in government 🙂

Cabinet Link: http://community.auserepublik.com/index.php?topic=21228.0


Hitting the ground running means that we’ll get going immediately with everything. The AMUA will be in use once again and more than ever. We’d like to have anyone who’s interested in assisting in running the AMUA on IRC or in game during battles to apply to me or Valentyme immediately.

The AMUA is helping to supply our citizens without spending government money. We ask everyone to participate in AMUA strike teams on #AMUA at 22:00, 0:00 and 2:00 eRepublik time. Participate for supplies!


We’ve already started communicating with other NaN nations and potential nations and will continue to work hard to build the alliance this month. The NaN will not only work on growth, but boosting activity and communication for a smoother run alliance and better DO’s.

Thank you again to all those who voted for me yesterday! I’ll keep you guys updated throughout the term and do everything I can for Australia.

-Irule777, new President of Australia