Day 1,012, 15:08 Published in USA Greece by Greek Ministry of Interior

As the most of you know in few days/weeks, comes the 2nd Skill Migration, which
means that all citizens will have the opportunity to converse their economic and
military skills. You can understand that this is vetryimportant for the Greek Economy
and it will solve many financial problems of some players. It is also needed to be done
very organised and the Labor Ministry will take care of that. No one should do the conversion
of his skills if he is right now: mechanic, engineer, technician, fitter, builder,
architect, Carpenter, producer, project manager.

In order to sent notifications, without be made to make formulas or to send messages to
every single player we will need an application. This application should include:

-A list with all eGreek Players organised according to their job and skill ex. to be
a page where we can choose job: mechanic and skill: master and to select all the the
master mechanics or it is also needed if we would be able to find all kind of skills
of any job.

-To have a "sent message" option (which message will be added by us)

That's all, and that's why we declare an open contest with the reward of 22 Gold. (2 Gold
have been donated by Ruruni Heka, waiting for donations) Whoever is interested in
can sent a PM to the Ministry.

Do not forget to VOTE (so as this article to be seen from as much as possible people).

Hail Greece!
Hail Australia!