You wanted it. You got it!

Day 1,723, 02:13 Published in India India by DonMogul

Firstly, I would like to announce to India that I have joined Inspiring Ashwamedh. Out of all the parties in India, the PP of IA was the only one to contact me and ask me to join. So here I am ladies and gents!

My inbox has been absolutely bent over backwards and whipped over the last 24 hours. Most of you have been begging for a chance to enter the F1 competition and quite a few have asked me to host a cricket competition.

I'm in a generous mood, so you know what? I'm going to do both.

Formula One

We all know how this works. But I'll briefly recap.

If you are interested post in the comments or send me a PM. I will nee😛

1) Team name
2) Your team mate (you can take both seats in the team if you wish but this game is more fun with a team mate)
3) Colour scheme for your car

A few days before qualifying begins I post a video on YouTube that features a hot lap with voice over from Mark Webber.

After watching the video you'll visit the setup submission page (link will be posted for each race - here is an example) and submit your setup.

After the deadline I'll simulate qualifying and post a new article and then simulate the race.

A team that misses 3 deadlines in a row or 4 in a whole season will be dismissed from the competition. NO MOTHER SEXUAL RELATION-ING EXCEPTIONS. This is what drove me nuts from Season 3. There was a race where I received set-ups from only 8 of the 22 drivers.

ONLY join this competition if you are able to commit a grand total of 6 minutes out of your life to submit setups.

I will have 2 teams in this competition. However, they will be banned from using KERS and will be limited to 6th gear.

I am putting up a 100 GOLD prize pool.


This was really popular when I did this competition last time! And for this time around YOU will provide the prize money.

How will this work?

This competition will consist of 16 teams. All matches will be simulated with Cricket Ashes Tour 97.

All 16 teams will be based on one of 8 RL national teams. Only two eRepublik teams per RL team.

You may place a bid to have your team based on any of the ones below:

Australia 1,2
India 1,2
England 1,2
Pakistan 1,2
Sri Lanka 1,2
New Zealand 1,2
South Africa 1,2
West Indies 1,2

The minimum bid is 50 INR. Only one bid per person. If you want a second bid you will need to team up with someone else. Two teams maximum and those teams must be based on different RL nations.

Bids are to be sent to me in the form of a PM. This is a silent auction. Around day 1730 (depends on how many bids are received) I will post an article announcing the LOWEST bids for the teams. At this point you may wish to up your bids.

Payment of bids will be due as soon as the results are announced.

How will the tournament run?

Every team will play the other once. The top 8 teams will progress to seeded elimination finals.

Matches will be 10 overs per innings.

The winner of the Grand Final will take on my own team DonMogul's Diamonds for the chance to double their prize money in a test match.

Prize Money Allocation

1st - 60% of prize pool
2nd - 25% of prize pool
3rd - 15% of prize pool