You need some GOD DAMN perspective.

Day 1,191, 02:25 Published in Australia Australia by Ranger Bob


I've stepped back in recent days. Which, as a Senator (soon not to be) has been a challenging thing for me.

I've wanted to speak on several fronts. Bitch-slap several people. But, I've restrained from doing so. Because, I think, even though I probably (inaccurately) may be given the term "elite" now, I don't believe in the concept.

Let me explain,

I'm a bureaucrat by trade. Yes, in RL, I deal with the political wheeling and dealing, and manoeuvring and posturing many on here try to emulate. I do though, irrespectively of this, try to see others perspectives. I try to accept views other than mine, because I think in order to be a progressive society, all views are valid. All ideas are good.

But, I've observed too much crap this last month. The fighting between people has moved from rational debate to something far more sinister, and personal.

Frankly, I would not vote for myself, or any player at this point who is either currently in senate, or making comment or articles at all (and is not a new player).

Because, they have forgotten what a new player is. What it is like.

What their aspirations are, why they are here.

Unfortunately, the corruption goes far beyond their wish to serve you. It has become a political points scoring s**tfest. One that no longer serves you.

Case in point. I have asked in over the last week for people who have a problem with the constitution, to present a solution.


YES IT SHOULD EXIST. Most all posts agree on that.

But, do you see people presenting a SOLUTION??? No. You see people hell bent on presenting a problem. And, hoping it will get them re-elected (or, elected) 😛

So, I am reserving my vote this term. I am doing so, for the person, or people, with an actual solution.


Hate things all you will.

But, if you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem. Suggest openly, how you intend on fixing this. ACTUALLY (oh I don't know) DO SOMETHING.

MAKE ME, AND 600 people BELIEVE IN YOU. Otherwise...


Ranger Bob
Maybe Elite, Maybe Not
but I don't give a flying, cos I serve the people. NOT YOU, NOT ME.