You are iNCi when... (caps inside xd)

Day 1,528, 06:58 Published in Cyprus Cyprus by L30n4rdo

Hello panpas, i decided to write an article trying to analyze iNCi's attitude.

So.. Let's start:

Your are a real Inci when...

*when you vote for new CP, based on the CAPS he used in his article.

*when you get supplies as mercenary and you use the half of them. Actually you fortum!

*when you try to make the first comment of an article, hoping that you will get "dank" becouse you were "birinc"

*when you write "xd" in the end of your sentence

*when you NEVER laugh like "hahaha" or other shit. Just the traditional "Zaaa xD"

*when you call someone "panpa" although he doesn't know what it means

*when you already know that Rejep loves shemales and trannies

*when you spam your enemy's channel in IRC "cCc inci siker cCc" after a great victory in a battle

*when you comment "summarise pic" at big articles that even the author would feel bored to read

*when you love trolling in Pizza The Hut's articles

*when you accuse bekir pasha about stealing 1M cyp but you already know its fake xd

*when making Edeninci angry is the purpose of your e-life

*when you have read 5824701434572342 times the "last" article of Depici with a "Farewell.." on the title

*when love "SIKERTME 0.31" times! xd

*when someone asks you in PM to send him gold or weaps and you answer "fasikul detected" xd

*when you WOULD NEVER give your real phone number to kojiro reyiz

*when you think "i am fucked" after a group message of Blackowlf91 aka Liseli

*when 55's name name in IRC is "owl" you know he is offline but when he changes his name to "pentafive" you know he is online xd

*when the word "PTO" is made only for INCI xd

*when you have watched "Fight Club" movie 200000 times on TV

*when your favourite porn movie is

*when your favorite videos are .swf


cCc in amateur we trust cCc

to be continued...