With success must come sacrifice and responsibility

Day 1,320, 21:54 Published in North Korea Ireland by OogieBoogie3

A little over 40 minutes ago, a cooperative resistance movement attacked, surged into, and liberated our capitol region and city of Pyongyang. With this victory, our population increases, and economic opportunity in the form of jobs grow. Kudos must be given to all of the brave men around the world that participated in this movement, a movement that grows our great nation and gives a higher respect to its people.
Another, and much more important benefit that comes from this victory is the expansion of our political structure. With the reannexation of a region comes the expansion of our parlament, and in this case, the opportunity to move all political activity back to its rightful home. The political gain here is huge, we now look at a 20 seat legislature literally waiting to be inhabited with fresh, young, and progressive minds.
When we were invaded and conquered a few months ago, the North Korean parlament, which I was and plan to continue to be an influencial leader of, was the most productive and progressive group that North Korea had seen in years. Led by the Worker's Party of Korea, my rightful political base, I with the help of my respected colleages assisted by bipartison cooperation passed some of the most comprehensive and important tax reforms in the history of this great nation. This accomplishment became short lived, because we never got to see the results of our legislation come into effect. With this political run, we hope to not only continue revisions of my National Revenue Act, but also expand our political influence around the world, particularly with our evermore shaky relationship with China.
However groundbreaking these resistance movements are, we must stride to refain ourselves from pushing the envelope, after all, China is far more powerful than we are, and though they may have let us take back these regions with little to no resistence in their favor, they are still a prominant threat to our security, well being, and most importantly, our sovereingty.