Why should you vote for me?

Day 843, 19:05 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by Daniel Parker

Why should you vote for me?

If you have grand ideas of the perfect society, then you should not vote for me.I´m a pragmatist, but mainly in the philosophical way that word is used, not the political one.
I have no grand ideals, but my bed lies on the hard rock we call reality. Interpretations are the clothes we wear to disciuse our shame of bare flesh.
I have nothing to offer you but reason and reflection. As I, just like you will only be here temporary in this eRepublik, the best thing I can can only offer you is my patience and time.

I´ve been active in the Libertarian Party for 4 months as Vice-Party President since the rejuvenation of the party by Thomas Fairfax. I consider myself to be fully engaged with all aspects of the LP, and I am even willing to put other political prospects temporary aside to give this position the full attention it deserves.

My goals for the Libertarian Party:

* More democratization of the party, all mayor congress topics should be voted on by non-congress members in our private party forum. This is a good way to involve all players into the debate and runnings of our country.
It keeps people enticed, and it sharpens the minds of older and newer players. The mix of both groups is essential, since it helps grow expertise for every member in the long run.

* More focus on the primary objectives of the Libertarian Party; which since it´s founding have been to question the state vs. free-market system. Many good improvements are being discussed or implemented at this very moment, but things will change in this game, so should we. I believe that there are many good prospects ahead for all citizens in V2. The Libertarian Party wants be fully aware of these mayor changes, ready for a paradigm-shift in the economics of eRepublik.

So vote for Daniel Parker of the Libertarian Party