Why is There Citizenship? Well, There Were Darker Times.

Day 3,021, 19:15 Published in Switzerland Ireland by OogieBoogie3

Political Takeovers as I know them are a long forgotten thing of the past, almost. Today we live in an age where congress has the power to approve all new immigrants traveling to new locations seeking opportunity, or are they? Back in the day, PTOs, or Political Takeovers were the biggest threats to any commonwealth, not occupation. The method in which most were conducted involved the mass migration of cronies into a foreign country, who would then quickly establish a political party, nominate candidates within their ranks, and promptly takeover smaller countries. This all happened before citizenship existed, and its very existence came about due to this issue.
PTOs were PEACE Global Community's primary method of political gain. All of Russia's intelligence ministry back during the Parter Administration were pretty much dedicated to the act, rounding up and sealing off new entries to Erepublik like Bosnia, South Korea, amongst others at the time. These dirty tactics were organized by powerful figures like Heymans, my eFather. Yes, I and my eBrothers alike, were brought up by one of the key PTO players within the Russian Government at the time. Behind his lead, I was lead to South Korea with my two brothers to conduct such an attack on the South Korean government, but while this was all going down, I had a change of heart, and fell in love with the country. I turned on the very faction I was lead to Korea with, and ended up getting involved with the South Korean government under transgender President Yonai Keiko. There are a lot more details and missing chapters of my Erepublik youth that I'll address another time, but you get the gist. The South Korea PTO failed, but later on, as a citizen of North Korea, I'd get to know the dangers of a PTO first hand. That too will play into my more in depth origin story, but this is more focused on the PTO act.
South Africa was the biggest victim of PEACE GC's PTOs. My father Heymans amongst others had eviscerated the South African Government, taking over its congress, impeaching its President, and raising taxes 99%, forcing businesses either into the ground, or out of the country, crashing its economy entirely. Then the congress full of Russian cronies established an organization and donated all 1000+ gold within the country's treasury into that organization, which then went towards Russia's war effort. South Africa's economy and treasury was raped and pillaged, its leadership destroyed, and its population soon after crumbled. It was literally left as a wasteland for several months. After PTOs like this became common, citizenship was enacted by the admins to get rid of the threat, but the threat simply evolved. Now, PTO groups were either generating baby booms with new players, or just bots, in order to have natural born citizens capable of casting votes. Most of these accounts were banned, but not all, some slipped through the cracks, and it was that very thing that kept Russian Imperialist Crony KasedY as President of North Korea for so long, North Korea's very own age of darkness. Nothing is worse than visually having another country control your government, and brag about it. It's worse than occupation, because in this case, you're just puppet, a toy if you will.