WHPR Day 1567 - A Call to Arms; Department Reports

Day 1,567, 05:06 Published in USA USA by James S. Brady Press Room
Day 1567 - US Call to Arms!

US Citizens are instructed to go to #defense to pick up supplementary weapons and specific fight orders throughout the day.
The US is facing strong opposition in several key battles. The situation is expected to be fluid, changing as each battle is brought under control and a new offense is opened against us.
by Order of President Oblige and SecDef TTi09

White House Press Room - Day 1567

An IES Agent welcomes a new citizen to America.

Dateline: Monday, March 5, 2012 (Day 1567)
Location: James S Brady Press Room, The White House

Today's Agenda: Department Reports: IES; Economy; Interior

March Presidential Debate
Executive Producer Jude Connors

In case you missed it, Friday's eNPR Oval Office Radio's presentation of the March 2012 US Presidential Debate is available for your listening pleasure, at your leisure.

Armed Forces Underground: IES Updates, 3/3/2012

Ekonomi Politik: [Kemal Ergenekon] eUS Treasury Weekly Economic Report

eUS Interior Department: Program Spotlight: Meals on Wheels Program

Not a Government Department but interesting nonetheless:
Who's Your D'Addy: [WYD] eUS Census (Day 1566)

A Freshman Congressman's Perspective
Jon Barack Bluejacket, representing Louisiana

My first few votes in Congress were uneventful. I've been around enough to know who our allies are, to renew their MPP's. I know to approve money transfers to the CBO, and not to vote for a foolish proposal to impeach the President for no good reason.

Things got interesting when I politely asked a question about funding a somewhat complicated defense appropriation bill. I was promptly called a "retard" by a 10-term Congressman from the plurality Party. When I suggested that this was not the best approach to win my vote, I was informed by the "majority" whip that I'd "better get used to it".

Okay. Now I know. eUS Congress talk is a lot more like Navy Boot Camp than the RL US Congress.

That's fine. But I won't stop asking questions when I don't understand a bill (I've been in Congress 8 days now). Anything less would be selling out the people who voted for me.

So, the largest party in the eUS can call me whatever they want. Fine. I may be a one-term Congressman as a result. Fine. But I will not be silenced.

eNPR Oval Office Radio airs live every Tuesday and Thursday night, at 19:00 eRep (10 Eastern, 7 Pacific). Tune in to the radio show, join the text chat at #eNPR (on the Rizon server), and call in!

Tuesday night's show will center on today's Presidential elections-- hopefully with special guests, not only the eUS President but CPs of other countries as well.

If you miss any live radio show, you can listen at your leisure, at eNPR Oval Office Radio.
If you do Facebook, be sure to "Like" NPR - eUSA Radio.

"Keep the faith America, vote... you'll be happy you did."

Read more from President Oblige in his own newspaper, Savior.

Recommended Reading:

DoD Special Series: American Fighting Forces Series, Non-OMS Militias Edition
eUS Interior Department: Program Spotlight: Meals on Wheels Program

| The President's Newspaper | Speaker's Word | DoD Civilian Orders | Dept of Education | Dept of Interior |
| White House Press Room | Pony Express | eNPR Radio | Terra Times | Voice of EDEN |

Join a Military or Militia: Links Updated 02.03.12 😉
eRebuglik now breaks links to Google Docs. If your link is broken, please contact this Org with a TinyURL or similar shortcut.
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George Armstrong Custer Secretary of Media
Levif92 White House Press Corps Director


WHPR Day 1567
A Call to Arms; Department Reports