WHPR 1571 - Light News

Day 1,571, 11:31 Published in USA USA by James S. Brady Press Room
Editor's Note: Due to RL issues, today's WHPR is a little light.
White House Press Room - Day 1571


Dateline: Friday, March 9, 2012 (Day 1571)
Location: James S Brady Press Room, The White House

Today's Agenda: Ambassador Program; DoD Special Series; Mentor Program and Meals on Wheels

Ambassador Program: Once Again Accepting Applicants
Guest Writer Tenshibo

We need active US citizens who want to get involved, do some work, and represent their country to the eWorld.

Recently, a need for MANY MORE ambassadors was created. We have a large void to fill, and are looking for active citizens, who are friendly, and wish to serve their country by acting as a liaison between the eUS and another country.

As an ambassador, you will sign up for the country's forum, hang around their IRC, and act as a friendly link between the eUS, and them.

Material is lifted directly from this article:
The Ten Commandments: Ambassador Program: Once Again Accepting Applicants
You really need to see this article to get the full picture.

DoD Special Series; American Fighting Forces
Guest Writer Ralph "No Pants" Ericson

America is fortunate to have a rather large selection of fighting groups each providing their own community and material benefits.

This article will focus on a rather large number of America’s fighting forces, militias that are not affiliated with the Office of Militia Support. What does that mean? That means that these groups do not receive any money from the government to support their operations. They are all funded by private donations and/or commune work. The range of age and size of these groups is substantial and just from joining their IRC channels or poking about in their forums it can be seen that these are very different and dynamic groups. Included in this article are Pickle’s Patriots, Hell Jumpers and Torch.

Material is lifted directly from these articles:
DoD Orders: DoD Special Series; American Fighting Forces
DoD Orders: American Fighting Forces Series, Non-OMS Militias Edition
You really need to see both of these articles to get the full picture.

Program Spotlight: Mentor Program and Meals on Wheels Program
Guest Writer Malarkey83

The eUS boasts an unparalleled Mentoring Program. The Mentor Program is a tool designed to help educate and answer questions for new players. They help answer questions, point to off-site gathering places for our community members and all around help relieve that lonely feeling that almost every noob gets when they enter this game. Never hurts to have more friends! Mentoring can last anywhere from a few days, to a few weeks, depending on what you require.

In a nutshell, MoW provides food support for new citizens of the eUS. We frequently serve as the first point-of-contact between the DoI and a new user, so we provide information about other DoI programs, as well as, some useful links to help new players to get involved with the community. It's not just about food handouts, but trying to engage new users at the first opportunity and keep them involved so that they can become productive members of the eUS society.

Material is lifted directly from these articles:
eUS Interior Department: Program Spotlight: Mentor Program
eUS Interior Department: Program Spotlight: Meals on Wheels Program
You really need to see both of these articles to get the full picture.

eNPR Oval Office Radio airs live every Tuesday and Thursday night, at 19:00 eRep (10 Eastern, 7 Pacific). Tune in to the radio show, join the text chat at #eNPR (on the Rizon server), and call in!

Thursday night's eNPR radio show was pretty lively, with regulars Jude Connors, Artela, Oblige and Custer welcoming new co-hosts Josh/Silverbeard and Keyshaun. DepSecState Tenshibo was finally able to Skype in at the very end of the show-- Go Go Tenshibo!

If you miss any live radio show, you can listen at your leisure, at eNPR Oval Office Radio.
If you do Facebook, be sure to "Like" NPR - eUSA Radio.

"We players are this game. We are the community of writers who make the Media great or suck. We are the community of fighters who make this country strong or weak. We are the community who gathers in IRC to shoot the breeze and share of ourselves. We-- you and me-- make this game fun.
But there are always elements in every community who are spoilers, who take their pleasure in advancing themselves at others' expense, or in a more perverse aspect of human behavior they take their pleasure in ruining others' fun.
They are loud and aggressive, but they are the minority. It is up to us to reject these spoilers, to stop supporting those who wreck our community."

Read more from President Oblige in his own newspaper, Savior.

Recommended Reading:

| The President's Newspaper | Speaker's Word | DoD Civilian Orders | Dept of Education | Dept of Interior |
| White House Press Room | Pony Express | eNPR Radio | Terra Times | Voice of EDEN |

Join a Military or Militia: Links Updated 02.03.12 😉
eRebuglik now breaks links to Google Docs. If your link is broken, please contact this Org with a TinyURL or similar shortcut.
| US Civilian MU | US Armed Forces Boot Camp | US Army | Special Forces | Ultramarines | SEAL Team 6 |
| EZ Company | Bad Company | Fraternity Shock Troops | Bear Cavalry | Pickle's Patriots | Hell Jumpers |
| eUS Training Corps | National Guard | Mobile Infantry | eUS Army | Airborne | Marine Corps |

George Armstrong Custer Secretary of Media
Levif92 White House Press Corps Director


WHPR Day 1571
Light News