WHPR 1569 - Econ Change; Bulgaria-Turkey; Oblige x4

Day 1,569, 14:27 Published in USA USA by James S. Brady Press Room
Editor's Note:
This article was prepared last night, but held for security clearance this morning. As we all know, eRep has been unavailable most of the day. Publishing at 14:30 in the afternoon is not how the WHPR rolls.
White House Press Room - Day 1569

Evry uses Leos111's graph to explain Admins' latest change to the Econ module and its effect on our game play.

Dateline: Wednesday, March 7, 2012 (Day 1569)
Location: James S Brady Press Room, The White House

Today's Agenda: Econ Change; Bulgaria-Turkey; Oblige x4

Admins' Latest "Improvement" to the Economy Module
Guest Writers Evry and Leos111

The first thing to understand is that there are no longer 50-60 different currencies. There are 2 monetary entities currently. There is gold, and "currency". In the past, "currency" could refer to up to 50-60 different currencies (USD, CNY, PLN, ESP, MEX, etc. etc. etc.). However, now there is just one currency shared between ALL countries.

In the past if you worked for a foreign company you would receive foreign currency and have to convert it to a usable currency. Now, since all the currency is the same, there is no difference between the money being paid to you in wages versus the money you'll use to buy your food and weapons off your home marketplace.

Some people have been confused about the Monetary Market (abbreviated as MM) since the changes. Since the change, everything is combined. So, while you're trying to sell your gold for currency, you're now competing against people from your country, AS WELL AS other countries. The same is true in the reverse. Someone with American citizenship however will look at the MM and go "OMG! There's like 6 Bajillion USD on there!" except, someone with Mexican citizenship will go "Dios Mio! There's like 6 bajillion MXN on there!", etc.

Material is lifted directly from these articles:
The World Through My Eyes: Econ Changes day 1568
The Economic News: The Monetary Market Special Report, and Lion Loans (Day 156😎
You really need to see both of these articles to get the full picture of what's happening with our money.

Update on the Bulgaria-Turkey Situation
Guest Writer Israel Stevens

With a wave of new Presidents coming into office yesterday, the Allied Nations of TERRA and EDEN are waiting to see what the new Administrations in Bulgaria and Turkey will do. Just last week EDEN announced that long time member Bulgaria was suspended from the alliance, and that Turkey was no longer a trial member of EDEN, and it would remain that way until their conflict with Bulgaria is over.

The ball is clearly in Bulgaria’s court, as they are a stronger nation and have received MPP requests from a variety of ONE nations, all of which they have (to their credit) voted down.

Even with all of these options available to them, sources inside the US State Department report that Bulgaria is committed to staying in EDEN, despite all of EDEN HQ’s slights. They do have one stipulation, and that is that Turkey not be allowed in, as the Bulgarians claim that they will never be part of the same alliance.

However, if EDEN decides to go with Turkey over Bulgaria, then the Bulgarians would favor starting a new alliance. Sources inside the US State Department also report that Bulgaria has a coalition of 5 nations, all of them EDEN, who will side with them. This would be the basis of a new alliance, if Bulgaria chooses to pursue that path.

Either way, it is looking like Bulgaria will remain allied with America and TERRA/EDEN.

"Okay" is not Good Enough.
President Oblige

The President's Daily Briefing (PD😎 is a thread in the Executive Branch section of our eUS Forum, accessed by only top level Cabinet members and senior advisers. Current PDBs are classified, but are cleaned of sensitive material and made public some time after each President leaves office.

My first PDB of this term is a mandate, declaring that this month will be marked by nothing short of excellence in every Department.

To help guide each Department head towards that objective of being the most awesome, I've outlined a few short term goals for each of them to complete. Some of the less sensitive items are listed below:

Defense: DoD Orders - EVERY DAY, that's EVERY DAY - hire a specialty writer if you need to, iirc the DoI Staff Writer (Malarkey) has volunteered to assist.
NSC: A team of deputies where it is more likely than not that at EVERY DAMN MINUTE OF THE DAY someone who can find their ass WITHOUT A MAP will be on.
State: Provide and updated list of Super Ambassadors / Deputies and Ambassadors, fire the crappy ones.
Interior: Get your Secretary of Education to start publishing articles in the SoE Paper, even if he's just rehashing old ones, I always like to see IRC guides in the newbie help section.
Media: Add more writers, guest writers, whatever, until you feel your department is well staffed. Fire people that suck. Hire writers specifically for the TERRA Times - the first article will be about the new HQ.

Additionally, we have Inwegen playing hatchetman, who will strongly advise dismissal and replacement of any Cabinet member or Department head who cannot meet their commitment to serve the American people.

So the answer to the question about what a fourth Oblige Administration will do to top three terms of winning is, "Win better."

eNPR Oval Office Radio airs live every Tuesday and Thursday night, at 19:00 eRep (10 Eastern, 7 Pacific). Tune in to the radio show, join the text chat at #eNPR (on the Rizon server), and call in!

Scheduled guests didn't show for Tuesday night's radio program, but co-hosts Jude and Custer were joined by Josh/Silverbeard and Civil Anarchy. Topics discussed were the Econ module change, the Presidential election, and Party PTO scandal.

If you miss any live radio show, you can listen at your leisure, at eNPR Oval Office Radio.
If you do Facebook, be sure to "Like" NPR - eUSA Radio.

"Welcome to Term Four!"

Read more from President Oblige in his own newspaper, Savior.

Recommended Reading:

DoD Special Series: American Fighting Forces: Ultramarines Edition
eUS Interior Department: Program Spotlight: Mentor Program

| The President's Newspaper | Speaker's Word | DoD Civilian Orders | Dept of Education | Dept of Interior |
| White House Press Room | Pony Express | eNPR Radio | Terra Times | Voice of EDEN |

Join a Military or Militia: Links Updated 02.03.12 😉
eRebuglik now breaks links to Google Docs. If your link is broken, please contact this Org with a TinyURL or similar shortcut.
| US Civilian MU | US Armed Forces Boot Camp | US Army | Special Forces | Ultramarines | SEAL Team 6 |
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George Armstrong Custer Secretary of Media
Levif92 White House Press Corps Director


WHPR Day 1569
Econ Change; Bulgaria-Turkey; Oblige x4