Which side are you on?

Day 2,324, 21:20 Published in India Croatia by Vijayakrishna

Note : This article nowhere supports vegetarianism or non-vegism, these ‘ism’s are far beyond my logical understanding .

One day I was having a discussion about food habits with a friend, he was vegetarian n am obviously not. He was saying ‘God created plants without legs so that we can pluck them or cut them from ground and eat whereas animals are free creatures which we should not eat.’ Out of intuition I asked him what if it was reverse, plants are so helpless that they cannot even runaway when we are killing them where as animals can defend themselves to some extent. He had no answer, he just repeated what he heard from someone.

I started thinking of it. It was the time when we had Dhoni campaigning for tigers, I hope u remember that add of ‘Only 1441 left’
Only 1441 left? Is this condition of only tigers or to all animals? How many are endangered?’ well I really did not think like this but I had one feeling in mind, ‘Who is the one to fault?’ The answer was clear, us.

There is a reason I chose this topic to post afteral, somehow Andhra Pradesh needs a new capital now and the great brains in A.C. rooms are considering de-notifying forest land n constructing one there, so that it will be a planned city, strategically located near resources, less costly to acquire land. My question after seeing all this nonsense was ‘Where will the birds, animals go? What are we giving back to nature in compensation? Y does no one consider their life as important?’ The nxt thing that will happen if a capital is built near forest is, occupy entire forest, land grabbing. Maybe, the plan will be carried out according to the laws and the landgrabbing will not happen, even then what right do we have to dislocate them from their home? When we dislocate people we provide them with ‘better than before’ kind of deal, why is it not happening now? Is it because animals cannot move to court or is it because they do not have right to vote?

We mostly have been raised with the feeling that earth belongs to us, either me, my family, neighbors, some unknown person or the Government, in a word, to the humans. We feel we know everything; animals are sense less without ability to think and judge between right and wrong and so on. I cannot stop wondering why animals should think like we do for them to be counted as wise and the rightful owners too. A dog does what it has to, bark, bite or wag the tail, it was made for that purpose, it’s intellect should not be measured in comparison to ours. We are the ones who are not able to use our wisdom, when we feel humans are the wisest beings on earth, we are supposed to behave like that and use our brains for good of all. Someone said, ‘earth can satisfy our needs but not greed’

We don’t let the stray dog move out of our gate without a hit on its back. Why? I agree some do make premises dirty but where will these helpless beings go? To Mars?

We either fight at one end or the other, either blame all those eat animal products or make fun of those who do not. We have never learned to coexist with the nature, that was what made us leave forest, develop but going forward if we do not learn this, we will putting entire earth at risk of mass extension. \ We are not being cruel here, not even being senseless, we are behaving like parasites. Exploit each and everything this land mass can provide, this is what we have learned from human evolution? Think for yourself. Let’s save ourselves by saving nature. May be reservation for forests? We already have various animals in legislature 😉