What We Have Here...

Day 449, 22:42 Published in Singapore Indonesia by Masila

Hi all, first i must to introduce myself.
My name Masila, and i come to this beautifull country to have a new life, to breath another fresh air. I am a journalist, but in the past i'm also a politician, a soldier and a GM of my company. I arrive at Singapore City from Western Cape, one of Indonesian region. In RL i am an Indonesian.

I come to this land to have some beautifull season, but what i have when i see the newspaper?
Some pro-Dean22 speak about party president in the first and the only one party at our country, Singapore Republican Party which you know is made by Woshiempire. In the article, i see some offense words. Wew, i think...

After i take some walk, i return to read the news, and what i have now...?
Woshiempire counter the article with another article.
Situation get hot here... Hehe

"I am giving you Singapore the choice to choose your leader instead of just having a leader that wasn't elected."

"As party president, I will push for a detailed tax reform that suits the needs of Singapore. I will also speak to our neighbors of Singapore to talk to them about having peace. We don't want to join either Atlantis or PEACE at this moment as we must discuss the pro's and con's of both. However, if our neighbors force us we might be forced to go to PEACE.

"You want to be everything right away but you lack the experience. No one can run a country from such a small period of time of being in the game.
You need to learn how countries work and how the game works."


["wow.. i can nvr over experience u... because u grow and i grow... there always a experience gap.
Wrong, you can see that Dean22 has more experience than me and William Saffer although we born a month before.

"You need to learn how countries work and how the game works.
what you mean by that ? u mean tactics ? or economy formula? or ? just name it and i going to learn it


"and who is he????? hiding this face in the dark... democratic ?? u not puting a knife to u"
Yeah, dont speak behind ORG face, show yourself

hei you are not real singapore people,can you speak in melayu language huuh go back to your caountry,this is our land
Hehehe 😁

And the winner is...:
"Experience and Maturity are very important in politics. Starting a new nation is not easy in this game and will take the help of everyone Singapore can get, real Singaporean or not. All nations in this game are filled with real locals and non locals. Attacks based on that reality will not win anyone anything and only make a nation weaker and susceptible to foreign attack. This is not a large nation but it is surrounded by large neighbors. If we hope to succeed unity and experience is a must by everyone who has the best interests of Singapore at heart.

But This is "Words of Today"
"forget it lah... stop this debate but let's build this nation..."

If you go to built this beautiful country...
Then I'm With You

"This World Wont Be Coloured if There's No Reds There"