What's Going On?

Day 845, 15:06 Published in USA USA by PigInZen
For Starters, We Have a Name!

Meet the cutest puppy ever.

America, meet Buster! He's almost ten weeks old and our carpet is taking its share of abuse. Shih tzus are notoriously difficult to housebreak and just when we think he's starting to get it, we have a day like today where he's totally scattered. Good thing he's cute. I'll take Buster as a name, by the way, it toally beats "Princess" (especially for a boy dog's name...).

Executive Branch Update

Strange things are afoot at the Circle K...

We've been settling in at the Executive but there are several positions left to be filled in the Tech and Fun departments. You can get a view of the org chart here:

Another org chart...

Here are some things going on around the Exec:

Department of Defense

Secretary Angelini and Deputy Secretary of Defense Evry have been hard at work revamping the Office of Militia Services to the satisfaction of all parties (Militias, Congress, Executive and JCS). It's a difficult chore as there are some very strong opinions about the what is the best course to follow. In my opinion this overhaul is long overdue and if done correctly will establish OMS for the long haul as an effective operation. Of course, this will require that all parties involved recognize other groups' interests in the office and make concessions. Honestly, it shouldn't be this difficult. Stay tuned...

Department of the Interior

Secretary Maxx Johnson has set the Department on a course to be more effective than ever. In conjunction with Chief of Staff fingerguns, Interior has adopted a centralized tracking and monitoring system for all functions. Activities are logged here and all Interior staff can reference just who contacted or supplied which citizen and when it happened. Also, the REACH program is getting rolling. REACH will have some serious initiatives that will require some widespread effort from all citizens.

Any citizens interested in volunteering for Interior should contact the Human Resources Office here: Link to HR Office Google Form.

Department of Media

Secretary Mr. Hyphenated and his staff have become very active in publishing. Many of you have noticed that the White House Press Release is being published daily. I've seen some complaints about the lack of lengthy content by honestly, I and most of the Cabinet believe that it's better to distribute short daily updates (regularly published) rather than being infrequent and lengthy. Other activities scheduled to happen shortly are Departmental publications, a staff writing system to support Department publications and other operations, and a coordination with the Advisor team-run Salons system (more on that later).

Any citizens interested in volunteering as a staff writer should contact the Human Resources Office here: Link to HR Office Google Form.

Department of State

Secretary of State Bradley Reala has been diligently attending to some important diplomatic efforts this week. The product of this effort will hopefully be seen in the coming weeks. I wish I could elaborate more but I cannot. I'm sure you understand. If any citizens are interested in joining the State Department, they are recruiting for Ambassadors.

Any citizens interested in volunteering for the State Department should contact the Human Resources Office here: Link to HR Office Google Form.

Department of Technology

Tech has been slow to start. This is mostly my fault but Secretary Eotrick is bound to staff up his department. Tech is in need of citizens with the following skils: php, MySQL, html, css, BASH shell scripting. There may be a need for more advanced BASH script programming with regards to LDAP services. If you're interested in helping with Technology please contact Secretary Eotrick directly. I would like to point out that qualified citizens that are productive will be paid in gold for their efforts. I will personally be funding this initiative and will cover strength training costs for those that are actively working in Development under the Secretary of Technology.

Department of the Treasury

Most of the Treasury Department's work is done behind the scenes in tracking and reporting on economic issues. I don't believe we've ever had a Treasury Department of such competence and commitment as sydiot and his staff. Everyone has by now noticed that the USD currency peg has dropped. Time will tell if the peg will remain under pressure or if the new level will bring some stability and relief to our economy.

Department of Fun

Let me explain what the Department of Fun is not. It is not about condescending "lulz" events such as granting citizenship to players that shouldn't have it. It's not about forcing fun down your collective throats. It is about giving citizens an outlet for their attention needs. This department is just getting rolling and the first initiative will be the establishment of a national lottery, run off-site at the eusforum.com location. mjdiv has offered to organize this and Max McFarland2 and several others have stepped forward as well. We'll have some other events to bring a laugh or two over the next few weeks - by the way, if any of you out there can grow a nice beard in a months' time and don't have an issue with posting a RL pic or two, well, you might be interested in the beard contest that's in the pipeline...

Military Update

Citizens of stripes clamor for battles.

I'm sure you've noticed that we've been quite active in Asia as of late. This activity is geared to increase the security of Karnataka and that of our allies in the region. There may not have been battles open for our citizens at all times but we're working to correct that. I ask for you continued patience as I am leaning heavily on the JCS and our allies to develop war plans. Thanks.

AAP Party President Election

It's a clusterbleep.

I wanted to avoid stepping into the fray that is the AAP Party President election, but I'm kinda forced to do so now. The AAP is one of the largest political parties in the world and making that party productive and active is in our national interest. I am friends with all the people running for Party President so this is a tough political venture for me. I am bound to receive some blowback because of what I'm going to say but I believe it too important not to make some statement about it. I would like to urge party members to vote for Emerick as your party president.

I know Pizza the Hutt personally. He and I have been friends for months and I know he'll be personally pissed with me. Emmanuel Cruise was my running mate last CP election cycle and I know that he too will be disappointed by my coming out for Emerick. Max McFarland 2 and I have worked closely together for a few months now and while he probably won't say he's upset, there may be some ramifications for choosing a side. I know all of this.

The reasons why I would like to see Emerick in charge of the AAP is that I truly believe that he'll do something very useful with the party. He'll attract members and encourage activity just because of who he is. This is not a knock on Pizza, Emmanuel or Max so much as it is an acknowlegment that Emerick is a unique citizen that can seriously attract attention and citizens to him. Do yourselves a favor, put him to work lest he get bored and make trouble! LOL.

E Pluribus Unum. From Many, One.

I'LL SAY IT AGAIN: Together we have strength beyond measure. Do your part. Follow DoD orders. Fight with weapons. Maintain your wellness. SUPPORT THE CAUSE.