What I plan to do + Why I chose my cabinet.

Day 2,053, 07:22 Published in Canada United Kingdom by Pat Harper

Firstly I would like to thank Sons of Anarchy, Canadian Progressive Front and Military Dictatorship Party for backing me in the upcoming election, as well as my own party CRP.

I have been asked a few times 'What do you plan to do Pat? Why didn't you include plans and promises?'
Well to me it's simple. I learn from others mistakes. Oinyo set off his campaign making promises, and sure it sounded great and hell it could have even worked and was unfortunate it didn't, however when promises are not fulfilled, that person is damned to insults and flaming from disappointed players.
For this reason I will not be making any promises. I will not spend my life of the game during my term as I have to work and maintain a social life, but what I can do is be active daily, try my best to work on what advancement Oinyo has left in his wake and continue to work on making some sort of deal with Spain, increasing our relations with allies + neutral nations and using our funds to make our players/MU's stronger instead of wasting it on resistance wars that are impossible to win when we are weak. I am not saying we won't have RW's, but I see no point in it if it drains the life blood out of us and Spain are able to crush us without even trying.
Promises can make or break a man and I do not want to take that risk.

Some unemployed Spaniard being lazy?

Why I chose my cabinet:

Vice President(s): Umbra Bellator
Umbra Bellator (Previously Sm1tty) has shown extreme loyalty and is currently one of our best fighters. He has been my second in command in Liberty CA and ShadowFox and I have worked with him day on end sorting out the MU and party. He is my most trusted friend and I can think of noone better to stand at my side.
Shere Richard Parker
Removed for breaking trust

MoFA: Shoi12

Who else? Shoi has shown himself to be possibly the best MoFA ever. He writes amazing articles and I could think of no other to work with. Asians are hard workers, we all know that! 😛

MoD: Punisher 1389
dMo😨 I-Bleed-Blue-93

Punisher and IBB are both highly respected members of my Military Unit and both have experience in the job. I once again have no doubt that they will do what is needed including the battle orders being kept up-to-date.

I will have Klop123 in the mix as well, since he unfortunately was unable to candidate himself. He would have made a fine CP and I feel obliged to have him on my team.

As I said before, I won't have a 'think tank' as oinyo did, but I will create a large PM which will include Party PP's, VPP's, MU commanders + 2nd commanders as well as anyone else who wants to be included.

I will try and be as up to date with articles as possible and keep everyone informed on the goings on. I won't be doing a 'What's Pat up to today?' article as it's a waste of time but I will try to bring one out every 3-4 days depending how busy I am.

Thank's for reading and remember to vote Pat4CP!

-Pat Harper-