What's up Bulgaria?

Day 1,952, 13:29 Published in Cyprus Cyprus by L30n4rdo

meanwhile in Bulgaria:

Maybe you forget who helped you when you had two open fonts with eTurkey and eGreece.

Maybe you forget that me & other eCypriots tanked for you one month ago.

Maybe you consider the playground of PTOer groups, eEgypt, better ally

Maybe you don't care if we lose congress this month and protect our country from enemy pto

Maybe you think that we are too greedy to try 'steal' the gold mines of Lower Egypt

Maybe you don't give a sh%t that you sold us to Greeks (http://www.erepublik.com/en/main/law/Greece/125156)

But be SURE that those 'kids' in eCyprus will always have a ready surprise for you unless we get clear explanation.