We don't cry!

Day 711, 11:30 Published in USA Hungary by Quicksilver

My dear Emericans. I have read a number of articles, that refer to poor Hungarians cry over spilt milk, umm, I wanted to say about lost regions in America. They seem to think or believe that we are such crybabies and all we do now is sitting in the corner and feel miserable. Probably you think it because you would do this when lost.

I must inform you that we are not like you.


We are planning a lot of things, some of which will be against you, some which will involve others; we are minimizing the damage as regards to people giving up, we campaign for elections and so bicker amongs ourselves... but we are definitely not crying. So your propaganda articles that you try to swamp Hungarian media with, and your pathetic ads are just so much nonsense to us - pityful Emericans, trying to troll our media... to be honest any Romanian troll can run circles around you, your attempts are so pathetic.


A cikk arról értesíti szegény, tudatlan amerikaiakat, hogy ellentétben azzal, amit ők szeretnének elhitetni a nevetséges cikkeikkel és reklámjaikkal, mi nem sírdogálunk a sarokban az amerikai régiók elvesztése miatt, mivel mi nem vagyunk olyanok, mint ők.

