We are F**king ANGRY.... AGAIN!

Day 2,224, 00:39 Published in Canada United Kingdom by Pat Harper

Okay, you all know me, you have all worked with me and fought with me. I was elected as a congress member last month and made the party president of a top 3 party. I am the ex-Country President of Canada and considered a 'hero and patriot'.

This month I have not received one official PM about congress aside one that fell foul with insults from a CPF member. There has been very few official articles explaining what is happening, there is constant promise of war yet nothing happens, we watch battle after battle go by with wasted damage against our allies NL + Switzerland. We have wasted too much time, we have wasted too much damage. A war should have come at the start of the term, rallying articles should have been made, organisation and tributes KEY.

Over the last week I have been the most bored I have ever been on the game, with no contact from the government at all I decided to try and wake you up with some rogue proposals - still nothing - then today I get a PM from Klop:

'You've proposed the NE, so I did not include you here.


I've asked Oinyo to tell your members to vote no. My apologies if you take offense, but I deemed it the correct move at the time.

klop o/'

Yes I do take offence. Firstly Oinyo is not the leader of the party, nor is he vice. If I was not included Dr Hugh should have represented the party.
Secondly, with no contact from congress I don't see the NE as a 'rogue proposal' As far as I can see the government is doing F*** all so I offered the country a chance to get some TP damage.

It's getting beyond stupid now, I have nothing against ED and I don't hold him soley responsible, however I do blame the government as a whole. Lack of communication, lack of taking control of the situation, lack of pretty much everything.

I demand a riot.
I also ask Rylde to run for CP because if there's a man who will give us a war it's him.

Remember Rylde's article on the zombie apocalypse? Well it's happening.

- Pat Harper