war reports

Day 754, 08:18 Published in Australia Switzerland by Dan/naD Wilshire

i need help, i need sumthing to write abvout, but we're not doing anything fun, or important to write about, and there are to many about the new features lol.

please give me sumthing 2 write about.

dont bother voting, just coment, and tell me what 2 write about.



Official Australian Military orders

BRAZIL HAS DECLARED WAR WITH AUSTRALIA AND ARE RATING UP PHONY NEWSLETTERS!!! http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/the-[..]1/20

Official Australian Military orders

BRAZIL HAS DECLARED WAR WITH AUSTRALIA AND ARE RATING UP PHONY NEWSLETTERS!!! http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/the-[..]1/20

Official Australian Military orders

BRAZIL HAS DECLARED WAR WITH AUSTRALIA AND ARE RATING UP PHONY NEWSLETTERS!!! http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/the-[..]1/20

Until further notice, this paper will be publishing critical war-related updates and links to official Australian newspapers. Thank you to my many American subscribers - please take a few moments of your time to vote and shout. Australia needs your help.

12 hours ago, Brazil formally proposed legislation to declare war on Australia. As you can see from the link HERE, it has passed and we are at war!

With many of our allies engaged elsewhere, it is of the highest importance that every Australian prepare for a hard-fought battle with our Brazilian foes!

Brazilians are attempting to vote up phony articles into our media! In order to counter these sneaky tactics, VOTE UP THE FOLLOWING ARTICLES AND SHOUT AS NECESSARY:

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From the Prime Minister: It's War! Let's Stand Together
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Australian Department of Defence - Official Wartime Orders
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Minister of Cultural Services Dycey Farley says get to Western Australia!
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Deputy Prime Minister Derek Apollyon tells you what you can do to defend Australia
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Australian Army Reserves - Official orders
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Dropbear Marshal Schoft has his men and women at the ready!
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Official Australian Military orders