War Pig?

Day 786, 20:19 Published in USA USA by PigInZen

eRepublik Crowd Polling

For some strange reason this song calls to me... I was trolling through YouTube and came across various covers and though that this would be a good thing to bring to my article. So here are eight choice versions of this tune for your listening and voting pleasure. I'll keep the winner in a safe place for future use. Of some kind. *shrug*

There is also a thread at the eUS forum if you have access to that and would prefer to vote there: LINK

Links to the various versions (all youtube, no Rickrolls here!):
1. Faith No More
2. Cake
3. The Flaming Lips
4. Black Sabbath
5. Tesla
6. Daft Punk Mashup
7. The Ruckus (ska)
8. Solo Ukelele (!!!)

I personally love ska music and version #7 kicks ass - all those horns are just freaking awesome in sound. Version 8 is unreal... just... unreal. Version 1 is so full of win it's not funny. As much as I love Daft Punk I will have to vote for Faith No More's cover. And before I get flamed for not picking the original, well, I've seen FNM several times in my younger days as they were a San Francisco band and played locally for years.

My Congressional Voting Record, 26 Dec - 5 Jan

I will be publishing my Congressional voting record every week (I originally planned for Wednesdays but that schedule slipped...) . I believe that this is an important part of being accountable as a Senator and allows all of you the opportunity to see some of what goes on in Congress. Notice that Congressional votes are never really close. This is because most of what Congress does in game is pretty much moot. The action happens in committees.

Day 777
CBO Transfer 22619 IDR YES
Passed 53-0

Day 778
New Citizen Message YES
Passed 53-1

MPP with Romania YES
Passed 52-0

CBO Transfer 55000 USD YES
Passed 58-0

MPP with Greece YES
Passed 58-0

Day 779
MPP with Croatia
Passed 50-0

Tax Change: Lower Income Tax on Iron to 20% YES
Passed 52-0

CBO Transfer 24000 USD YES
Passed 53-0

New Citizen Message YES
Passed 55-0

Day 780
CBO Transfer 86 Gold YES
Passed 47-1

Day 781
CBO Transfer 46500 USD YES
Passed 52-0

MPP with Norway YES
Passed 52-0

Day 782
Alliance with Poland YES
Passed 51-1

CBO Transfer 6298 IDR YES
Passed 46-3

Day 783
New Citizen Message YES
Passed 47-1

CBO Transfer 41564 USD YES
Passed 49-0

Day 784
MPP with Japan YES
Passed 46-2

MPP with Sweden YES
Passed 46-1

CBO Transfer 20000 USD YES
Passed 48-1

New Citizen Message YES
Passed 31-17

Day 785
CBO Transfer 20000 USD YES
Passed 48-1

New Citizen Message YES
Rejected 12-36

The Mensch List™

Coming Saturday, another addition to the Mensch List. Last week's recognized Mensch was Ligtreb. I will recongize another US citizen that deserves accolades and applause for his or her efforts to make the eUS a better place to play eRepublik. Above hard work and dedication, however, must exist a personality of kindness, integrity and honor. In short, the Mensch List™ is meant to inspire each and every one of us to work harder, be nicer, and above all realize that we're all in this together.

Past Mensch List Honorees:

1. Ligtreb - Honored January 8, 2009.

E Pluribus Unum. From Many, One.

I'LL SAY IT AGAIN: Together we have strength beyond measure. Do your part. Follow DoD orders. Fight with weapons. Maintain your wellness. SUPPORT THE CAUSE.