Day 1,831, 09:34 Published in Cyprus Cyprus by L30n4rdo

Tomorrow (25/11) we have congress elections.

I call every eCypriot to vote for United Cyprus Party


-Because UCP is the largest on member's number party, the most organized one.

-Because it was the first party containing a Military Unit and organized supplies to its members

-Because first of all we are friends with priority to have fun through this game while protecting eCyprus

-Because it was the first party that cared for Real Life Cypriots and other minorities of the island

-Because UCP was born with the co-operation of honoured old lostfriend

-Because we have proved that with Unity no-one can touch eCyprus.

-and because this fag became God of War today

For these and other 10000 reasons, tomorrow we vote for UNITED CYPRUS PARTY