Vote for the Official meanest eCanadian

Day 855, 15:38 Published in Canada Canada by Rylde

Its election day you bunch of lemmings. Time to be led off another cliff this month. If your gonna be led off a cliff it might as well be by the official meanest self proclaimed all Canadian AS#%^#* as awarded by me peers. So fly on up to the freezing Yukon and place a vote for me.

I don't have to much in store for you this month after my election in the Yukon. Little bit of impeachment and a dash of bunk bills to gain my congressional experience. After all is said and done i'll pocket my 5 gold and go hide in a ditch somewhere for awhile. My seat if elected should last all of 24 hours if I do it right. Politics is so boring in this country I figured I'd give it a good monthly spice all in one day.

Friday the 26 will be impeachment day for reasons to be disclosed in an article tomorrow. Especially for the whole traitor that will be sitting in congress at the end of the day. I refuse to be seated in the same room with that and am showing my displeasure with the courts and the current president.

Call It eCanada
Or maybe we should just toss a coin

Rylde doing his part to make sure the blind keep leading the blind.