Vine nasu' sa ne'npace...

Day 2,086, 01:45 Published in Republic of Moldova Serbia by t150

Dupa mai multe articole adresate atat adminilor
Maybe it were more smart idea to calculate the biggest influence of man.
So the total influence of country is divided to population of this country.
The winner can be even small country where the population was fighting hard.

cat si societatii
Articol politic si social

Dar, nu si in ultimul rand, dupa accederea mea in divinitatea jocului Iaka asta personalitate !!!, adica de apropierea mea de Zeu si Creator

Iata, ca a aparut si TURNEUL NATIONAL, acel modul unde nu mai conteaza din ce UM sau partid faci parte. Conteaza doar criteriul "Castigi TU - Castiga Tara TA"

De maine, incepem TOTI sa ne crestem prosperitatea Tarii prin efortul cumulat !

Partidul Concilierii Nationale

Sensul TURNEULUI NATIONAL consta in faptul ca vor exista 2 target-uri, care se suprapun reciproc.

1. Fiecare jucator isi face damage-ul sau, care va fi individual fiecarui jucator si in dependenta de performanta va obtine:
- 100% (the target is reached) - +25 Strength
- 110% (surpassed the target by 10😵 - +50 Energy Center for 7 days
- 125% - receive a number of Rank Points equal to this target damage divided by 10
(Ex: if the 125% target is 10 million damage, the player receives 1 million Rank Points)
- 150% - 50% Damage Booster for 8 hours
- 200% - 10 Energy bars
- 300% - +50 Energy Center for 30 days
- 500% - 50% Damage Booster for 24 hours
- 750% - 20 Energy bars
- 1 000% - 25 Gold
- 1 500% - +100 Energy Center for 30 days
- 2 000% - 15 Energy Bars
- 2 500% - 50% Damage Booster for 24 hours
- 3 000% - 20 Energy Bars
- 4 000% - 25 Energy Bars
- 5 000% - 50 Gold
- 6 000% - 25 Energy Bars
- For every 1 000% more - 25 Energy Bars

2. La nivel national se va cumula tot damage-ul cetatenilor facut pe durata zilelor 2087-2093 si daca acesta va depasi target-ul pus de admini (iarasi individual pentru fiecare tara), atunci trezoreria statului va castiga in felul urmator:
- 100% (reached the target) - 250 Gold
- 110% (surpassed the target by 10😵 - 100 Gold
- 125% - 150 Gold
- 150% - 200 Gold
- 200% - 300 Gold
- 300% - 400 Gold
- 500% - 500 Gold
- 750% - 600 Gold
- 1 000% - 700 Gold
- 1 500% - 800 Gold
- 2 000% - 1 000 Gold
- 2 500% - 1 500 Gold
- 3 000% - 2 000 Gold
- 4 000% - 2 500 Gold
- 5 000% - 3 000 Gold
- 6 000% - 3 500 Gold
- 7 000% - 4 000 Gold
- For every 1 000% more - another 1 000 Gold

Plus vor fi si alte bonusuri la nivel personal (badge) si de tara (sisteme de aparare, care neutralizeaza damage-ul inamicului)
Cititi si Votati Articolul MAN pe acest subiect.

Si hai sa aratam odata, ca Moldova are lume buna!!!