Véres kardot hoztam!

Day 701, 00:31 Published in Hungary Hungary by Quicksilver

Véres kardot hoztam,
Őseink véres kardját,
Sorsdöntő harcra kész a nép.

Megvédjük Manitobánk,
USÁnak ellenállunk,
Nem kell a sápadt istenség.

Árpád szabad népe,
Honfoglalóknak vére,
Nem tűr meg idegen zabolát.

Álmunk valóra válik,
Vagy elveszünk egy szálig,
De inkább halál, mint vereség!

Kolozs, ha Gaiust legyőzöd,
Nem pusztulnak a hősök,
Hatalmas nagy lesz itt a nép.

Romandietől Bukarestig,
Midgetlandtól Százkacsvárig,
Félik majd utódaid nevét.

Manitobánál győzni fogunk,
Zsizsik lesz zombikirályunk,
Nagyhatalom századokon át.

Kampec majd világot hódít,
Tankreddel valóra válik
A Duna-menti Köztársaság.

eredeti/original: István a király

The song, titled 'I bring a bloody sword': http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nMFz8PYStRk

átköltötte: Quicksilver

Only fight in Manitoba, everything else is just a diversion!

I bring a bloody sword,
The sword of our ancestors
People be ready to fight!

We defend our Manitoba
We proudly withstand USA
We don't need their pale god.

Free people of Árpád
The blood of conquerors
Cannot stand a yoke of strangers.

Our dreams will come true
Or we will be all lost
But rather dead than defeat!

Kolozs if you win over Gaius,
the heroes will still live
and people will grow enormous.

From Romandie to Bucharest,
From Manitoba to Saskablabla
we will be feared by all.

We will win at Manitoba,
Zsizsik will be our zombie-king,
Domination for centuries to come

Kampec conquers the world,
Tankred will make us come true
the mighty Republik by Danube.

the musical: István a király

The song, titled 'I bring a bloody sword': http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nMFz8PYStRk

Context: The bloody sword in ancient/medieval times was the symbol of a King calling his people to battle. Lacking mass communication systems, the King sent riders showing bloody swords all over to the country, and it meant that those, seeing it had to go to the capital, to form a citizen-army - or rather the nobles assembled their banderias, and took them to battle.

The song depicts the moment when Koppány, contender to the throne sends out his messengers, calling everyone to battle, and his priest tells a prophecy, foretelling that if he wins this battle, all the future of the Kingdom will be glorious. I changed the names and places only, the song otherwise is the same as the original.
