Day 2,196, 04:03 Published in Argentina Turkey by DiegoJoak

Hola gente, aca les traigo otro numero de TURKISH TOP MODEL, este sera seguramente uno de los últimos numeros....que lo disfruten...con ustedes..

Aysun Kayacı (born March 21, 1981 in Istanbul, Turkey) is a former Turkish model, current actress and presenter.

Aysun Kayacı started her career at the age 15, when she appeared as receptionist hostess in commercial fairs and exhibitions stands. She was focused on modelling until 2005. She received the MGD national award in 2004 as "best Turkish model".

As of 2005, she also started accepting roles in films and TV serials. She played in the feature film Kısık Ateşte 15 Dakika ("15 Minutes On Low Heat") in 2006, and she appeared in the TV series Zehirli Çiçek ("Poisonous Flower"), Doktorlar ("The Doctors") and Sessiz Gemiler ("Silent ships"), respectively in 2005, 2006 and 2007.

Aysun Kayacı's modelling breakthrough came especially with a Pepsi Cola commercial shot in 2007, revolutionary in Turkey by reason of its message charged with eroticism – later toned down – and with its final moments picturing a cast of thousands. The advert's mini-play commences with a nerdy young Turkish male opening his refrigerator to find two cold cans of Pepsi Max.

He retrieves them both and tosses one to his equally nerdy young male roommate. First young male pops the top of his can, lifts it to his lips, and upon first taste he finds himself in torrid open-mouthed lip-lock with the very sexily dressed Aysun Kayacı.

After a moment of dreamy bliss, the young man comes to his senses, recoils in wide-eyed disbelief, rips the can from his lips and the image of Aysun disappears. He eye-checks his roommate for a similar reaction, but his roommate has not opened his can yet.

So he hazards another sip and the same thing happens. After longer blissful moments, he abruptly awakens from his reverie, rips the can from his lips for the second time, and slams it to the kitchen counter which finally gets his roommate's attention. With a meaningful look, he urges his roommate to take a sip from his own can of Pepsi Max, with the same predictable results.The commercial made Aysun Kayacı nationally famous.

Por último parece ser que las argentinas no son las unicas a las que les gusta grabarse haciendo chanchadas 🙂