Today, Day 1721, Momentous Occasion

Day 1,722, 00:11 Published in India India by DonMogul

Today, while fighting for my RL homeland AND for South Australia (the region I happen to live in in RL), I earned my first Battle Hero medal. It strikes me funny that I have 'gone for' Battle Heroes on two other occasions inflicting a combined 2.8 million damage in those battles... while in this battle I deal 250 000 damage and earn my medal!

My Political Allegiance

I'm an ambitious person with ambitious goals. I'm looking for a good party. Who wants me? And why should I join you? 😁

Formula One

Following a positive response from the current competitors F1 will carry on from where we left off!

All drivers and managers need to watch this and then visit this link (copy and paste in a new tab otherwise it won't work) to submit your setups!


OK. I am now going to give WWE one final chance. I will make one more episode, I expect it to have at least 50 views although if you want to make me REALLY happy, lets make the ultimate goal 100 views.

Reach 100 views and I will host another lottery.

Basic Re-Cap of the Storylines thus Far

For episodes 1-4, watch this WWE Rewind video.

Also please catch up by watching these two videos, our very own Asmita debuts as our first Diva in Episode 7! Watch Big Show get floored by Ashwamedh, Av Khan and Chairman DonMogul towards the end of Episode 6!