Time to throw in the towel

Day 1,965, 13:05 Published in Canada United Kingdom by Pat Harper

The day has come where I resign as the commander of Liberty CA.
The reason being, I simply cannot afford it. I am planning to train, earn money and get factories to come back once I am sustainable and try again. I simply am not enjoying it, and have resorted to spending IRL money for a while now but I DO plan on coming back. It would be a shame for this Military Unit, which I started from scratch to become 4th in eCanada to die, but it's been running off donations and my student bank account (which is empty enough as it is) for a while now which is kind of unfair, not only to my RL plans which should always come first, but to the donators themselves. I have thought about switching to Q6 again or minimising the members, but at the end of the day I just need a break from it all so I can come back bigger and better. I also have to contemplate how much time I spend on eRep when I should be studying for my finals in a month’s time and then full time work after that.

My eFuture:
Well, I plan on joining a separate MU for a while, I haven’t decided which yet, and from there I plan to use everything I would spend of Liberty CA on upgrading my training grounds, rocket factories and then hopefully working towards being able to get Q7 factories consequently becoming sustainable enough to not spend RL money in giving out supplies. (I know it sounds stupid, and will take some time.) I might return to the eUK for a while (hopefully after Canada is liberated) but if Spain’s intrusion goes on for longer than expected I will make my move, with plans however to return.

Liberty CA’s Future.
Well I hope that it will continue under new hands, I do not expect it to continue growing, and I do not expect it to give the supply rate which I supplied, but it would sadden me to see all the hard work lost. I created the MU on the 3rd January 2013, and I have been stunned at the speed it has grown over the 3-4 months it’s been around.
Once I am sustainable and able to supply the MU without relying on donations I will return, and hopefully continue the legacy of this unit.
I would like to thank all of the donators over the months: Stephane Boothe, Venerable, Oinyo, Sm1tty, Sanika Jameson, Mary Chan, Oliver Dietz, CanadianCowboy, kwest78, Klop123, mwcerberus, xLil Ninjax, panzer1990panzer, Xvidian, Homer J Simpson, who have kept the MU active, fighting and dealing damage, and also to let you know that every single gold, CAD and tank were used by Liberty to kill Spaniards. There is nothing left in my storage, but dust and annoying bazooka parts I don’t need.
I would like to say thanks to all the soldiers I have commanded; it has been an honour fighting with you and it has been good fun. I plan to stay in the #Liberty IRC channel 🙂
A big thank you to my captains and 2nd commander Sm1tty who has helped me tenfold in the running of this MU.

I did not expect to leave Liberty and have been part of the Liberty group for over a year now. I have thought about it and decided it is for the best interests as I am giving EVERYTHING I earn to the MU and not enjoying the game any more.

TL😃R version:
I love Liberty, it’s been a great laugh, we have made great progress and I hope it continues without me, but enough is enough and I need time to rebuild my resources and kick Spains arse.


Thank you for reading
- Pat Harper