Time for change is NOW!

Day 1,171, 17:25 Published in North Korea Ireland by OogieBoogie3

Tomorrow quite possibly will be the most important election we have had in ages. Coming out of a defunct administration under the Volunteer Army, we are in dire need to reform our democratic system, economy, and way of life. Today our government is crumbling with corruption, the will of the people is overlooked by the personal interests of the administration. Kaycloud has betrayed North Korea and it's people, and his cabinet has failed to step up when leadership was needed the most. We have proven that these men are not our blood, nor are they our soul and respect. They are traitors, Chinese loyalists whose interests are for personal accomplishment and not the will of the commonwealth. Through this lack of leadership we once again face tough times, but there is hope. Kaighfoh is the reformist on the stage to renew North Korea's sovereignty and restore our reputation. Tomorrow will be the day that we rise fro the ashes and over come the internal oppression of corruption.

Vote Kaighfoh for President of North Korea tomorrow, to return North Korea to its people, and put us back on the map as an independent democracy.