The Warning to the eNetherlands

Day 2,117, 08:10 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by NoTie112

EDIT: Just as this article was being written, Van Spijck has abolished the official IRC channel and it's 5-year old community in another attempt of massacring those neutral and opponent to him. Another example of clinging to power eternally!

Dear citizens of the eNetherlands,

In any other case, I’d have congratulated the victor of the Presidential Elections, but this time I will not. While in Egypt, former president Mubarak has been released from prison, raising fears in the general population, we in the eNetherlands took it even a step further in neglecting the history of a former president. Being elected for more than a lifetime now, Van Spijck has once again - although he never left power - claimed the throne of the eNetherlands. Some call him Captain Schettino, but of course that name doesn’t hold any value anymore, as the ship of Democracy & Liberty has already long been purposely sunk by the Captain, with it many opposers of his rule.

Of course, any dictatorship exists based on good management and part support, part manipulation of the public opinion. Therefor, I’m likely to receive once again many shunning remarks about this article, but those are made by the innocent victims that have been trapped in the indoctrination of a cult-system. I’ll however take this opportunity to slowly explain how Van Spijck has managed to control every institution of power in the eNetherlands. Don’t be fooled by the in-game definition of the eNetherlands as a democracy, but be an informed and warned citizen. Most importantly, act upon it.

Enabling Act I: Disable Legislative Institutions
When our nation fell to the Polish nation, we were unable to hold any in-game elections for Congress. The Congress that was last elected agreed upon holding temporary power to the day of liberation. While that seemed to be a wise thing back then, it essentially gave the Legislative power to only one party, Geuzen Party Nederland, based upon a biased election result (as GPN has a majority, based upon luck in the last official Congress elections). This meant that the check Congress gives upon governments doesn’t exist anymore.

Now, this was believed to be going for just a month or two, but this situation has already been going on for months and is likely to continue for many more. Of course, not every party would take the opportunity to claim power in the darker hour of the eNetherlands, but van Spijck and his associates apparently did so. For starters, Van Spijck has continuously ignored democratic proposals and motions made by Congress, most infamously a Motion of No Confidence against him as President.

Other crimes made against democracy include filibustering and obstructing proposals to have a restored democratic Congress, which was actually a proposal made by his fellow party member Zeeuwsmeisje (of course, not the whole of GPN is too blame!). When it became apparent that allowing elections would result in a more balanced and fair share of seats in Congress, instead of GPN holding veto-rights Zeeuwmeisje ‘vanished’ and van Spijck declared it to be useless. If by manipulation he doesn’t succeed in twisting Congress, he ‘boycots’ the palace of democracy and demands his associates to do the same.

Enabling Act II: One Party Status
Geuzen Partij Nederland was created with the intention of it being an anti-establishment party. The fact is was a radical and anti-democratic party allowed Van Spijck and his clique of power to take it over in a coup d’etat in the eye of the public. They claimed to have changed it into a more honest democratic party, fighting for the ‘normal man’. In the background however, the party returned to it’s most radical roots and has changed into a mere pool of sheep voters and helpful assets in establishing a system, which can be rightfully called a One Party State.

Not only has GPN unrightfully gotten the power of Congress (and refusing to hand it over), they’ve also abused all possible in-game mechanics to establish a privileged party. They’ve gained the exclusive ability to recruit new citizens with more indoctrination tools than the other parties can, which massively influences the democratic state of the eNetherlands. First of all, GPN has established the Praetorian Guard Military Unit, which acts as an additional political recruiting pool in disguise. Currently, it’s the biggest, the most financed (very attracting to new citizens, indeed!) and wants to replace the official government armies. Where have we heard that before, a political army replacing the regular one?

In comparison to that, the facts that Van Spijck has the eRepublik ‘mentor’ status, which means he can easily recruit every new citizen combined with the almost complete control over the media are hardly remarkable, but dangerous nonetheless.


Now the eNetherlands has elected Van Spijck for the 10th time as President of the eNetherlands, which is comparable to 40 years of real-life power, the secondary liberation of the eNetherlands (the first being from Poland), namely the restoration of democracy, seems very far ahead. While Van Spijck uses all kind of fanatical promises to ban opposers out of Congress, Government and even outside our country borders, it’s not too late to be aware of the dangerous state the eNetherlands is now finding itself in. Luckily, the eRepublik mechanics only allow limited dictatorship that can be brought down at any given time. It depends on the citizens of the eNetherlands,

Yours sincerely,
Party President Libertas