The Voice of Sol Returns

Day 833, 23:14 Published in Singapore Philippines by Sol HQ

It is with great pleasure that I am able to once again break the ice that has climbed over Sol HQ and the Voice of Sol newspaper. Due to various internal difficulties, as well as other concerns that ranked more highly in importance, the Communications Department has been neglected for some time, which now makes its return to regularity.

So what has happened, these past months? Sol faces a different world now from when I wrote 3 months ago. Australia has fended off the Brazilian attacks, the Indonesian Empire is officially dead now that South Africa has pushed off their Indonesian shackles, China's population has grown from 4.000 to 9.000, yet China has lost Liaoning to Serbia, the Philippines allied with Poland to rebuff Indonesia, Thailand faces constant Indonesian PTOs, and Singapore has fallen to Serbian PTOers, who have also infiltrated Malaysia and the Philippines. Even more currently, as of writing, South Africa is fending off Brazil in Gauteng, and the SolDiers program has finally seen the light of day.

We are certainly a motley crew of nations--and we are certainly not going forth without difficulty in a polarized world with established behemoth alliances punching each other (and little countries in-between). However, it would be much more difficult if we were not working together. We are continually trying to improve upon established ties, and one of those is working on communication. Through this paper, which circulates throughout the Sol nations monthly, I will be exploring as much as possible the aspects of Sol and its nations, and urging each of our presidents, cabinets, and citizens to open their eyes and their communication lines to each other to create a stronger social fabric that binds us all together as one alliance.

Speaking of which, I am very pleased to belatedly announce two nations joining us in Sol: Israel and Bolivia. Both smaller nations very much like the original Asian founders, we are very enthusiastic to welcome a nation in the European theatre and the South American continent. Expanding our boundaries into new areas gives us new experiences as a whole, especially the experiencing different types of local politics.

Just to remind everyone, the nations of Sol are:
South Africa

We frequently keep our Wiki page updated, so that remains a reliable source for Sol information, especially member nations.

To commemorate the occasion, current Sol Chairman Enoch Root agreed to sit down for a short interview with us, and we are certainly glad to have him.

For those of us who are not aware, what positions did you serve in the eWorld before becoming Sol Chairman?
I served in the eUS Mobile Infantry for several months, eventually becoming a Commander of Alpha Company and JAG officer when I retired. I moved to South Africa and served three terms in Congress, one as President, and have served 7 consecutive terms as Governor of the Reserve Bank of South Africa, 4 as Minister of Finance, and served 5 terms as Representative or Advisory Representative to Sol before being elected Chairman.

What all are the responsibilities of the Chairman?
Simply put, I execute the will of the Security Council. At the moment, I've spent most of my time rallying support for the various military forces to create a more cohesive defensive structure.

In your term, what would you say was the biggest moment?
When the SolDiers were finally established finally got on their own feet was easily the biggest event. Months of discussion later, we finally are on the road to having a military force.

Sol is a bit infamous (famous?) for its legislative processes. What Resolution that has passed, or is planned to go up to vote, would you say is the most influential on Sol in the long term?
Funding amendments! (Specifically, C0020) Sol will, for the first time, have a steady alliance income to support its military engagements for the good of each nation, once passed, and further programs can be extrapolated from there. Furthermore, making it so that the Chairman can appoint a cabinet without long confirmation votes if they do not handle Gold is a tremendous relief of pressure off the backs of nominated Cabinet members, making the process more attractive and less intimidating.

Do you plan to run for re-election, and if not, do you have a successor in mind?
As I will be on vacation for the end of my term, and the beginning of the next, I do not plan to seek re-election. As for the next Chairman, no-one has spoken up for the position yet, however, there is still plenty of time and candidates tend to show up after the Presidential elections!

We thank Mr. Enoch heartily for his time. Speaking of the elections, the Sol Chairman elections will be closed to contestants on the end of March 8th, voting commences on the 9th, and we will happy to announce and interview the new Chairman on the 10th.

While also on the subject of the future, I'd like to outline my goals for The Voice of Sol. I would very much like to see this paper become, again, a reliable source for Sol information, and I will attempt to do articles focusing on the Sol countries as well as the alliance itself. See you all tomorrow!

Director of Sol Communications

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