The Revolutionary Party hits high tide

Day 1,502, 18:58 Published in USA Canada by Cody Caine

The Revolutionary Party supports Oblige for Re-Election
As of today Oblige has earned the endorsement of the Revolutionary Party for the second straight month, Oblige being the only candidate to seek the endorsement won it by default, so here is hoping that Oblige gets re-elected.

Suggested Articles to Read

A Year to Remember, by PortColumbus.

Do you need help, Australia can mentor you, by Jon Malcom

Happy New Years, by Jude Connors

Oblige for President: the Remix, by the eUS President Oblige.

WHPR Invasion!, title says it all.

Revolutionary Party Paper Day 1501, the Third Edition.

Pizza the Hut, the truth shall set you free.
Halftime Announcements
Time for a few quick thoughts before the article continues, yesterday I topped my old best stats completing a mission I did not think I would be able to, and I did it in the final mini battle of the war for Maryland, which we won sending them serbs packing. Pizza the hut continues to show how unstable he is, with his harassment of Jkli5 in pushing this player out of congress by mass message harassment, along with other NCP members, showing that the party as a whole seems to be rather disgraceful and full of people with no morals or ethics. Finally before we get to the fun part of his article, the Revolutionary Commune program still needs workers, information on this can be found in my previous article, and now we get to the fun.
The Revolutionary Party hits the beach
After the Christmas congressional elections came to an end, the entire Revolutionary Party headed to the secluded Revolutionary Island for a much earned tropical vacation.

It it all started on Christmas night, on my drive home from the congressional election war room, that voice in my head started kicking in, was my baby calling saying I need you here.

When she is lonely and the longing is to much, she sends a cable coming in from above, telling me if you don't get home and Love me Now, you will Never get to Love me again. SO naturally I sped up, cuz We got a thing that’s called Radar Love. Anyway after the lovin was over, we decided we should take the whole Party on vacation as reward for our successful day in congressional elections. So in the morning we gathered the party, boarded Molly's private Super Jet, previously seen when she visited me down in eAustralia. On the jet we found out how Sora Storm felt about flying,

to say she was prepared for Jet flight might be a bit of a understatement, she looked ready for war, I guess she thought vacation was a lie and we were really going on a covert military operation, either way she was ready.

After a mysterious landing that we cannot explain even if we wanted to, just put it in with Molly's luck, she has amazing girl powers that allow her to win congressional elections, Resistance Hero Medals, and land jets without a run way. Anyway after the landing, the fun began as the members of the party hit the beach in force, Lancer450 showed off his surfing skills,

Davis and Ninjah buried a sleeping Kooguy in the sand, he tired himself out drinking and telling stories during the flight. But it did not stop at that, after burying him, they gathered some help from other Revolutionaries including Sora Storm and new member Jkli5 and they built a giant sand castle around where he was buried,

Let's just say Kooguy was more than surprised when he woke up, in addition the Sand-Castle was named in Honor of current eUS President Oblige.

Revolutionary Mama Molly Jo spent her beach time surfing as well, so while Lancer had mad skills, Molly is just hot,

in her wet suit, Molly was having a great time on the trip, even with me taking lots of pictures for the scrap book, like this one,

and this one,

and finally this one,

that was around the time I was starting to get on her nerves, or maybe it had something do with walking up looking at the sand castle and being told kooguy was buried in the middle of it, the whole thing was concerning for her, but she also felt she couldn't do anything about it, thus her expression.

It was such a long lovely vacation that mid way through it new Revolutionaries were flown out to enjoy it, including Levif92

But truth be told we of the Revolutionary Party are still on our tropical island vacation, and will not be back until January 6th, and are doing all are work from the island.
Final Thoughts and Quote of the Article
I along with the Revolutionary Party and all of the country are looking forward to the New Year, and hope the good times continue in 2012
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║╔╗║╔╗║╔╣╔╩╗╔╝ ★ NEW YEAR ☆ 2012!!
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Quote: "New Year coming, the Revolutionary Party will still be on Fire" ~Molly Jo Caine~

~Revolutionary Party Founder~
~Revolutionary Army Commander~
~eUSA Deputy Press Secretary Oct 2011~
~eUSA Press Corps Member Dec 2011~