The Odyssey of Cody Caine

Day 1,447, 12:57 Published in USA Canada by Cody Caine

My Journey so Far
My story begins on May 16th 2011 in Tel Aviv Center District Israel, I was new, I was adjusting to game play, and really had no idea about the social aspects of the game, but leveling, the missions, fighting was simple enough to pick up, that part made it fun, so on this first day after leveling up a bit, I suggested the game to Molly Jo, whom was sort of my girlfriend at the time, so she chose the same last name I did, she started in eCanadian Occupied New Jersey. Molly got a little bit of a easier transition into certain aspects of the game, through the help of Kria Erikson and John Marsten, and while Molly failed as a member of Training Corps for not role calling, they helped her with supplies and a moving ticket to get out of eCanada controlled Jersey and into the eUS.

With myself feeling odd in Tel Aviv, which I started in out of boredom, and because an actress I liked being born there [which had also fallen to Invasion], but after prodding from Molly I decided to come to my own country, it took a few days to get the money, but soon enough I moved over and started in New York and applied for Citizenship which was approved on May 23rd.

Going back for a moment on the 17th I also got another friend to Join Benjamin Reilly, who may not be as active as myself or even Molly who joined a day before him, he is still a good friend. But back on Track after being approved for citizenship, and having Ben tell me to join the eUSA forum I did, because even then I planned on a run at congress, I didn't say much at first, until the first Spanish invasion began. It was here that people told me to basically just shut up because it was no big deal, around this time two more friends AngelusVxV [who I no longer speak to after a dispute elsewhere] and Sibylla Morgana [also don't speak to after a dispute], she who donated gold to help fund the Revolutionary Party would never join it, but her donation, along with donations from Angelus, Molly, and Ben, plus gold I had myself would be what paid for the Revolutionary Party.

As I mentioned earlier the Spanish invasion was setting in 13 states had fallen, still no one cared, which eventually the country would be wiped because of the forces of Spain, along with Hungary, Poland, and Indonesia, and even Serbia joined in for a bit as we were recovering in late July. Also in late July I made my first real enemy in Pizza the Hut, after I voted for Jamarcus in Colorado.

Soon after that when I began to plan my August Congressional Run, I met Portcolumbus who has been a great friend, I started calling into his radio show, and soon made my own. My media activity has paid off in I now also serve as Jon Malcoms Co host on his show, I also was given the chance to serve as Deputy Secretary of the Press in October.

Along the way I have also recruited Sachiiko Linoa[now Dead citizen, like Angelus and Morgana], ShawnCaution[also dead, and never got into the game], Vincent Faustus[good friend, alive but inactive], and Sora Storm, [my last recruit, highly active, like molly has served as PP, now fills my role as The Revolutionary Army's Commander, and has passed all but Molly in terms of level.] The Revolutionary Army was given to me by the man now known as Dirty Scarlet Silverbeard, and the name change was paid for by another friend SMF93, the first to serve as Party President after myself as founding Party President, also been a good in game friend.

My journey has featured three congressional runs, in Maine in August, in Nevada in September, and the battle like run in Washington in October against SGTRock, who is a good guy, and respectable in communications at the end of that election night, and the only opponent of the three months worth mentioning in my mind.

I have also made a few more enemies but it is not worth dwelling on, the friends outweigh the enemies, and I have made a lot of good ones, and I would like to mention them all, but they generally know who they are, but I will mention a few more, Kooguy, Gnilraps, shiloh13, just to name a few.

My paper has supported two presidential candidates, Paul Proteus, and Leroy Combs, both lost however.

All that covers my journey so far in away, but it will have to do.
The thoughts that led to this moment
After my latest congressional defeat I told myself I would think over many things involving my role in this game, my activity and other things.

Well I took a drive to think

And when I still didn't know what to do after that, I went down to the beach with my dog to think.

After all this thinking I confirmed to myself a thought I felt deep down is what I needed from the start, an eVacation of sorts, or perhaps it will be best defined as a trip of growth, or sometime away from the eUSA, no matter what it is, what I came to realize is needed for me.
So I decided to go to Kathmandu
but when I looked at the map it wasn't there, so Australia will have to do. So I got my friend Gibbs,

Who asked that people vote for me in August, with him on board for the trip, it was on to gather a means to travel, here I thought about asking Paul to borrow his much talked about blimp, but I decided against that, so we decided we would sail a ship on our journey, because as you might know Gibbs knows how to build ship. I wanted to bring my dog, but when I went to pick him up Molly said no,

and I wasn't going to argue with her, something told me she wasn't messing around. So I decided to get my other animal friends Roscoe the T-Rex and a Giant Panda

who for some reason were in SMF93's backyard, anyway we all gathered to build a ship, and things were going well but it was taking to much time so looking at what we had so far

a lot of good work yes, but we realized it would never support the weight of Roscoe so we gave up and resorted to desperate measures,

we ended up burrowing this ship and set sail.
My Farewell message
There is no doubt that I love my country, that is the real USA, eUSA is not the same, I like the eUSA a lot, but I want to explore the eWorld for a bit, find new opportunities, see how other government function compared to the eUSA's government, and well I do not think this should be held against me, I'm sure there are those who will go ahead and use it against me anyway, but my friends I'm sure will understand my decision.

To my Party I do hope you stay together and continue to grow, how ever if some decide to seek a new party while I am gone or because I am gone, I will not hold it against them, though I will still be around on the forum, and in IRC if they want to talk to me. To my Military Unit I feel it will be fine under the lead of Sora, and if possible and if needed I could return to commander, but I find that highly unlikely that it will be possible while I am in Australia.

To the Readers who enjoy this paper, I will still be publishing articles so no worries for you, to my Radio listeners I will still be doing my show on Saturday nights, and certain election nights, so media wise nothing will really change.
Final Thoughts and Quote of the Article
My decision was not an easy one to make; I put a lot of thought into it so I can only hope people understand it. I put a lot of research into this article in terms of my journey so far so I feel comfortable that the information is accurate. Finally I ask those who comment to try and be respectful, as this article unlike my last will no doubt get comments.

"The future does not belong to those who are content with today, apathetic toward common problems and their fellow man alike, timid and fearful in the face of bold projects and new ideas. Rather, it will belong to those who can blend passion, reason and courage in a personal commitment to the great enterprises and ideals of society." ~Robert Francis Kennedy~

~Revolutionary Party Founder~
~Revolutionary Army Commander~
~Deputy Press Secretary Oct 2011~