Day 1,526, 05:29 Published in Bulgaria Bulgaria by Empiree

Our great foe eSerbia is being attacked from three sides and very soon entire eSerbia will be occupied by foreign troops !

So we will establish a new government in eSerbia !

I would like to present you the new eSERBIAN GOVERNMENT !!!

Lets begin with the serbian president !!!

Yes ! This is Mile Kitic ! He is playboy,good singer xD xD and he will be much more friendly with Serbia's neighbors.

LEPA BRENA will be the new minister of DEFENCE in eSerbia ! No need to explain why...

And finally CECA will be the new boss of the youth ministry xD
Why she>? She have some big breasts that will feed many young players 😃

Lets wish them good luck xD

And for final some exclusive video from a serbian party :