The Dictatorship of the Establishment

Day 2,092, 08:09 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by NoTie112
Dear citizens of the eNetherlands,

Today I once again return to arms to fight a grave issue that our country has been put on by several key figures in our community. These dangerous elements have grabbed power in the Netherlands when we were at our knees, namely during the occupication by the Polish. While one would expect such an event to be an unifying factor, it has been been not. In fact, the Congress which was last elected, decided on it's own to extend it's terms without any outside control on their power. They've been in power for 4 months now, 3 of them without any actual mandate. That'd equal more than 16 years of power in an ordinary Real Life situation.

Of course, I'll receive comments that I need to be realistic and not use this opportunity to write populist articles. Yes, we need a leadership, even when in-game mechanics restrict us from having one. I'd agree on that principle, if it weren't for the very fact that the current system is all kinds of wrong, and that there are better alternatives. First of all, the balance of power is completely gone. Because the last in-game elections didn't reflect the political reality due to several mistake mades by Party Presidents, we've been thrown in a situation where one fortunate party has been able to consistenly Captain the course of the eNetherlands. Just an example: GPN having 8 seats, while DemNL, a party which just is slighly smaller, has only 1 seat. An even more surprising reflection of the failure of this system is the fact that the second biggest party, Libertas, has no seats at all in Congress. This has become so selective over time, that some non-top 5 parties hold Congress seats, while others don't. This has given all kind of undesirable results, like politicians more or less ignoring the value of Congress and ignoring their decisions and opinions, even as far as a GPN Country President completely ignoring a Vote of No Confidence and ignoring Congress as a whole.

Of course, even the biggest benifactor of this system, GPN, has seen that the current system lacks, for example in activity. They started a debate, a month ago, which has been dragging on ever since. Instead of proposing a reform of the corrupt system, they proposed to -expand- it, by adding up additional seats to every current party, which would make the power of balance even more troubled. But when they discovered that every other political party, a big in-game majority, demanded a more constructive solution to the problems and their attempts at establishing an even bigger powerbase backfired, they've been completely obstructing every possible outcome of this impasse.

A typical sighting in eNL Congress, 2013.

When a proposal has been made up by the opposition, which would recover the balance in Congress, makes it democratic again by refreshing it monthly and would give every party and their individuals voice in the decisionmaking of the eNetherlands, GPN has been consistenly hiding behind 'alternatives', in which they don't put any effort at all to realize. This proposal would have been accepted, wasn't it for the fact that only each and every GPN Congressmen voted it down. What for? Because they would lose one meager seat/vote in Congress, and the unrealistically profitable biased balance!

I want to stress that I do not necessarily call for a reform of the system, because of the same political strategies which causes GPN to obstruct any solution. I, as party leader of Libertas, am of opinion that participation in the decision making of our nation is one of the major reasons which keeps our citizens playing, and make them become involved in our community, instead of ordinary two-clicking, or even worse, dieing after a few days of disinterest. I see a lot of potential in my party - and other too - but what can become of those individuals, when they'll never get the chance to prove their worth?

A concerned politician,
Party President Libertas