The Death and the Revival [LIBERTY]

Day 1,820, 09:15 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Pat Harper

Hello and Welcome.

Liberty fights for the UK, her allies and neutral nations. New players are welcome, there is a relaxed community, positive atmosphere and leadership roles are available.

This article is going to perform TWO main purposes.
1. Thank everyone for their support in rebuilding Liberty
2. Inform you on what we have achieved.

Most of you will know that Liberty has gone through its highs and lows, but recently it was at its all time lowest. With the sudden and unexpected death of the much loved Max Blue the MU was in a crisis. We lost members rapidly, highly regarded members who were vital to the MU's structure.

After a few months of decline the unit his its total lowest of 19 members, declining from well over 80. After eLiam left to attend important matters in Saudi Arabia, Irv Noyb, the new commander and myself got to work trying to rebuild the unit.
The work has been painfully slow, but we persisted, and many of you will have seen the articles published by myself and Irv.

Lately however we have got out act together, with the member list starting to shoot up (at last!). Daily supply packs are given out to those who ask, with extra large special packs given out on special events. (Halloween, Christmas, Easter, etc.)

The unit is currently at an impressive 46 members and increasing every week.

Now I would like to thank everyone for sharing our articles and helping spread the word. Also the NHS for the recruits and especially Irv for being the backbone behind the recovery. Also a shout out to my fellow party members in UKRP for their support!

What we plan for the future:

For the upcoming future we plan on expanding the MU even larger and increasing the daily rewards/supply packs and give aways!
We work through the tide of troubles IRL to give our full support to our members.

Thanks for your time, and in the words of Irv,
'Have a fluffy day!'
