The Current State of Sol's Wargames?

Day 944, 19:52 Published in Philippines Philippines by Sol HQ

I Know Many of the players in ePhilippines and eMalaysia's cabinet are getting pestered about why we haven't had a wargame in awhile and unfortunately, it looks like we won't have one for awhile :/

For those that have been watching our participants, eMalaysia's MPP list has been slowly dwindling down and down to where they now have less than five MPP's.
Many of the participants have decided not to renew because they see that saving for V2 is a higher priority then having wargames today.

Not to mention, that other wargames currently taking place have that are more active have signed MPP's with former participants, and due to these reasons:

We have decided to call off wargames becuase of the lack of participation we are currently receiving.

With V2 fast approaching it does not look like we'll be having a game before that unless we find an alternative, and yes, we are exploring other options of games inside of Sol but, I will not lie I do not think we'll be able to have one soon, especially if V2 comes as fast as the admins are now leading us to believe.

We hope that the member nations of Sol are able to find alternatives for wars, either by MPP or by offering tickets to citizens interested in moving to gain the experience of deploying and gaining experience.